This year Castle party label was stretched to the vulgarity limit.Video Let Retrobet Björkroos presents the newspaper to make a dress.

the Castle party was seen again several outfits, which was beset by the good taste boundaries. The label is marked with the suit and it should be fairly easy to comply with: women live in must be full length evening dress, which is a festive material. Men should wear a classic tuxedo or a dark suit.

Tonight’s dress etiquette talk to always and fashion expert Sami Sykön , it can break stylishly: the ensemble can’t be caught, how are the shoes the tip of the front closed or open. Agree is a top stylist Vesa Silver .

– dress code in terms of I recommend think I live according to what we are celebrating, where the party will be held and who they arrange it according to the label can then stretch, Silver said.

Silver styled Castle party including evening style queen Wood and Aki Linnanahde and his wife.

I Had hoped many from living a better fit. I would go to raise a lot of live, Silver reflection.

the Castle to celebrate the environmental theme also appears in evening dress, but the Silver in the opinion of many would have been able to consider in more detail how this theme outfit looks.

– the newspaper dress to go over. I think the theme of the implement does not have to be so literal and cliched.

One night special of the suits was the åland islands, at a supplier Anna björk roosilla : her two-piece evening dress of the top is satin, but the fan-shaped lower part is made in the newspapers. The lower part of the bottom is prior information according to the used sheet. Material choice was of course the Castle party themed, but the tasteless choice of the evening dignity. The suit could be quite epäkätevä: what if the punch is spilled, helmalle?

Timo Korhonen

Boxer Elina Gustafsson walk to the Castle party in white sneakers and a gender neutral outfit. Although Gustafsson did not experience the day of the magazine interview, according to the breach of etiquette, to live is to help a little too plain to the Castle. Style experts emphasize, without exception, that the Castle the party will dress up in festive garb and common sense says it all: white sneakers are a trendy choice for everyday life, but not the party.

Actor Kiti Kokkonen dress brought to mind the summer: sekavärinen dress looked like the heat of the weather a dream and I would love the desert safari, but there was no Castle to celebrate the dignity appropriate. The suit was certainly one of the evening iloisimmista color, but the style went slightly over and had been the presidential palace tasteless choice. The dress can be to make the viewer happy, if the situation would be another.

Artists are often given a lot of excuse me, what comes to dressing etiquette. Snow-bag brand designer, a French Bruno Beaugrand , however, took the label stretching to a new level: the black coat on was a swipe of a si höyhenpuuhka and breast pocket handkerchief would have required a set back. Beaugrand’s unmistakable bohemian live test of the Castle to celebrate the dignity. I live finishing visibly of their own brand of the brown bag. If the label from the police asked, the bag does not belong to man party costume.

Jenni Gästgivar

the harvest season calendar based on Sam his hogg the spouse Laura Karjula to see the Castle party in punakaalilla dyed dress. The idea suits behind is a wonderful and environmentally friendly, but the dress design exudes modern gothic country atmosphere, which was in vogue in the early 2000s. Suit fabric seemed stiff, and landed beautifully, but kummakos it: the dress on the bottom was once used exhibition carpet.