the balconies are at the latest since “Romeo and Juliet” to the standard features of a romantic love story. A myth, with the Entertainer Ades Zabel and his crew clean up – every year in the legendary balcony-Battle between Edith and Jutta. Here are clash world views to each other, in the Form of a crucial question: How do you think that’s with the Tinsel?

While Jutta (with the Schlecker insolvency tint: Bob Schneider) your Christmas decorations in our clearance sale of Kaufhof, captured, balcony, electronic upgrades, and letters of Vattenfall, uses Edith (nobility Zabel, Motto: “I’ll be right there to Stand up against 17 o’clock, I’m there”) on your balcony, mainly for the Puff, and depends, if need be, a plastic bag from Lidl with Nicholas imprint on the frozen primroses.

the Golden Girls from Hermann square

you tease, and you love, and for the past 15 years. As long as the advent show is running “If-it-yourselfers bells are ringing” at the BKA theatre, the myth of neukölln as a Trash-Capitals (“From mosque to pussy”) thoroughly by brushing. The latest round is ushered in since Wednesday evening. And of course, the Golden Girls from Hermann square would not be complete without the obscene slim Brigitte (Biggy van Blond), has decided for some unknown reason at some point, only in leopard pattern running around in your leggings, such a load in the shop window hanging can, also time since August. Shamelessly, you bring your goods to the customer (and the customer), and if the look as if you had pulled an oven bag over – is that your Problem?

Edith and Biggy caught Vibratorklau

come To that in changing roles, Nicolai Tegeler, moved as a Greek plumber without any fear of Puns to be pipe (“the colossus of Rhodes!”) and in Edith dinosaur-like urine arouses primal instincts – and Roman Shamov, has more than a grandiose appearance. Such as a store detective at Karstadt, the sexual Pressure escapes puffing from every Pore, while his paunch is in the arduous course of buttoning a jacket is beyond almost. As he caught Edith and Biggy when Vibratorklau, he forces you to play the intimate Tongue. Not with him but with each other.

Jutta whines, what about their pub

the basic constellation, and premises – Biggys Download, Edith’s apartment – are the same every year. Within this framework, but the actors vary, with Director Bernd Mottl the process and update it, if only timidly. The cosmic rental rates move, the character of the whole of Berlin, and Neukölln, not sparing that Leggings have not been sighted in the Nogatstraße for a long time and also Futschi of a dying drinking culture belongs to, is only once reflected: As Jutta whines, what will your pub, if it is there, and they have the dry comforts: “Ne vegan butcher shop, of course”.

What is the secret to the success of the “Neuköllnicals”, which curiously, is celebrating 15 years in Kreuzberg, his successes? At the beginning of the charming amateurism, has become professionalized, in the meantime, felt it was safe, fortunately without losing the trashy coat of paint. “If Edith’s bells are ringing” offers Familiar to Lean on, and at the same time, the good feeling: When these three debris aunts manage to master your life with just a few Euros, then I can too. The Central figure of the Show (such as the BKAs at Betxlarge all) is, of course, Ades Zabel, merged over the years with the role of the boyish Edith formally. This seems to be visually good. And who else is left in the Berlin cabaret scene, the U-Bahn at Hermannplatz, “First Off, you assholes!” scream, and still Would keep?

The Singing are all happily reunited

the Grand Finale of this year’s Show is the mess, in the Edith red wine from the Späti of the brand “Chateau Fukushima” serve it, and the Vibrator for Jutta is still the nicest gift. Small dramaturgical weakness at the end of The conflict she is in, to solve without really convincing. Instead, Cut – and all sing happy again. You could readjust. Or simply to 2019 to wait. Edith’s bells ring every year. As sure as the Späti on.

BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34, re-1., 2., 5., 6. In December, a number of other December dates, each 20 clock

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30 years of the BKA-theatre in Berlin Celebration without Futschi

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