Medical history to find a pretty special studies. Some of them are even quite new.Norwegian study, part of a surveyed traverse in wet underwear kolealla weather. Mostphotos

the history of Medicine is enough quite peculiar studies, and many of them may no longer take place again, writes LiveScience-science site.

for Example, a Romanian forensic scientist Nicolae Minovici wanted to investigate the early 1900s, what it would feel like to be hanged. Thus, a man hanged himself more than once of the assistants will be ready to help her always to the ground, so he doesn’t really die.

All studies are not equally radical, but rather amusing. This 5 strange cases.

to study the pass in wet underwear

in the 1990s a small Norwegian research team decided to find out what it feels like, if vilpoisalla weather use wet panties.

In 1994 Ergonomics-the science published study investigated left outdoors for an hour in a wet vessel top and pants in 10-degree weather. Some had feet in wet underwear, while others dry. Experiments tested a variety of materials: cotton, wool, polypropylene and wool-polypropylene blend.

the Investigation every step measured the men’s skin and rectal temperature. In addition, every ten minutes the men reported feelings. No surprise that dry in underwear runs to investigate the experience more comfortable than a wet go with the brother. The researchers summed up that the cool weather underwear thickness was more crucial than the convenience factor than the material.

Scientist put the cat of the ear mites themselves

ear mites cause cats and dogs, intense itching and inflammation. But what if people get infected? In the early 1990s the american veterinarian Robert Lopez decided to investigate the matter.

lopez’s cat had ear mites and he moved the enemy to your left ear. And so, just as soon as he starts to hear these scratching noises and the lively movement of the ear canal. He also discovered a more powerful sound, when the ear mites are advancing his eardrum.

it Took about a month, that Lopez head the trouble to get rid of. However, he wanted to investigate the matter strenuously add, and repeat the test a couple of times. Unfortunately, his body developed some sort of resistance effort against, because the symptoms are reduced, and went still faster always past. A study published in 1993 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association-the scientific journal.

an american study wanted to find out what dog and cat ear mites seem to people. Mostphotos semen hot

the British St Helier Hospital name in the hospital was made about ten years ago, a rather peculiar research.

the Investigation was initiated, the brazil nuts in allergic women get symptoms for having sex with her boyfriend. The boyfriend had eaten a variety of nuts three hours before their sex shows, and the crowd had been five parapähkinää.

Before the sex the man had washed his teeth, been washed and cleaned your nails, but still, the woman had severe symptoms. Because the couple have sex without a condom, it could not be a rubber allergy.

Later, an allergy study to find the answer. Researchers put women skin this boyfriend semen four hours after the guy had eaten brazil nuts. It was found that allergic reaction, the peanut protein, which was in the semen.

Investigated drank his own blood

One of the strangest Supertotobet studies is just this year from. Swiss scientists doing experiments investigated drank his own blood. The purpose was to identify better Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

in study 16 examined were divided into groups. Some drank 100 milliliters of his own blood and others 300 milliliters. Months after the the come back and the groups were exchanged.

period after the researchers measured the participants kalproteiinin levels, which may be a rise in faecal samples, if the patient has bowel disease. Research confirms it.

Drunk motorists

the Background was a nice idea but the execution is a bit special. In one study, american university of Utah researchers namely wanted to find out, which one is more serious: driving a car drunk or using a phone while driving. Thus, the researched had to get tipsy.

In 2006, the Human Factors -the scientific publication the study included 20 volunteers for someone to drink, who tested the ability to drive more than four times in a driving simulator. In one experiment, participants kept the phone in hand, in the second spoke of a hands-free headset, in the third drove after drinking three drinks and a fourth was behind the wheel sober, without distractions.

the Investigation revealed that the mobiles used were exposed to more accidents than those who were tipsy or sober. The latter group compared to the risk was five-fold.

the Video describes a study in which alcohol had positive health effects.

Source: LiveScience