A man was sentenced to imprisonment for ten serious fraud and the registry entry of crimes.Man factory offers dozens of credit applications and meant to get their cars to the wrong person’s name. MOSTPHOTOS

Turku court of appeal is confirmed by the Southwest Finland district court Betgram judgment in the case, which in 1982 was born a man defrauded banks and financial companies tens of thousands of euros on car purchases.

a Man pick in 2015, another ten credits, for example, Nordea, OP:of, santander night and Danske Bank. Credit applications made, for example, a woman acquaintance’s name.

One of the credit applications appeared in, the 1985 born woman told the district court he was a man already familiar to teens.

the Man had suggested to the woman that these acquire, repair and sell together with the car. Cars, however, started to appear one after another. Trade happened mostly in the Turku region.

Bogus credit applications

credit applications factory was the name of the woman, invented by workplace and income information. The women were told to be, for example, on the work and get the 3000 euros monthly salary, when in fact this was unemployed.

the Loans were sought mainly for cars, but also motorcycles and snowmobiles, the purchase. A woman was entered in car holder for vehicle registration, although vehicle was acquired for other use. Man, for example, rented a car forward.

the Man factory, hotel and similar offences, also in cooperation with others or other data using. In one case, a man used another woman’s identity and income information on the credit applicant to tell the person on the matter. The credit was granted, but the car dealer wouldn’t take the trade to the end without a female presence.

Overall, the man’s crimes are scheduled over six years, and the thing coil had as many as 17 respondents.

District court a man confessed to most of the charges.

a Man was sentenced to ten serious fraud and the registry entry of crimes to three years and nine months in prison. In 2015, accompanied by a woman sentenced to one year and eight months of conditional imprisonment.