Jeanne-Bourguignon, stabs himself ink under the skin. The first Time you did this in between Index and middle finger of the left Hand. A fish skeleton would have it. But the bones of today are hardly recognizable, for the Bahis Siteleri ink to run. “Because I had no idea about the way it looks,” she says. You will not regret the black BLOB. The placement is not recommend. “But I was a little younger and a little impatient.”

What makes Bourguignon, called the Do-it-yourself Tattoos. It’s a Trend that is spreading for some time in Zurich is engraved: Tattoos in their most straightforward kind, at home or at the Party. With the Internet purchased machines. Or still rudimentary, as it makes Jeanne-Bourguignon: with a long needle, stitch-by-stitch-by-stitch, point-by-point-by-point. Stick-and-Poke or Hand Poke, method is called.

Bourguignon is 26 years young, brown hair, dark eyes, a Golden nose ring, black Tattoos. She sits in the CafĂ© Long “because there is always so Business.” At the Zurich University of the arts (ZHDK), studying Trends & Identity. With 21, and she started with the Tattoos. She wanted one, but had no desire to hundreds of francs to spend. “I had a colleague, the Hand-Poke Tattoos has stung,” she says. She was fascinated, asked him to give her one. “He stabbed me here,” she says and points to her solar plexus. “I was able to watch him carefully.” The question of the pain is obsolete: A needle stabbing ink under the skin.

“This is an Interaction you must feel. Can’t describe it.” Jeanne-Bourguignon, ZHDK student

The colleague gave her a needle. Immediately Bourguignons followed the first attempt: the fish skeleton. It missriet, but she was still hooked. She practiced more, and their Girlfriends. “I was a Gang Tattoo, three letters FAK.” First of all, to yourself, with pen-and-ink, because they had no Tattoo color. “The little prison now looks moderate, because it is lost.” The learning process began. What is the relationship between the needle, the ink, the skin? “This Interaction must you feel. Can’t describe it.”

A Tetra-Pak, a simple phrase

During the past summer, showed up on Zurich’s streets: The Tattoo Hype has accelerated once again. No-frills, large-scale artworks, Mandalas, owls, koi, flowers and a few last “ass antlers”. But: From the mass of professionally-engraved Tattoos small Subjects stand out time and again, some hardly bigger than a 20-centime piece. Motifs that are reminiscent of drawings in a school exercise book, which are not perfect, rather cartoon-like Doodles. A-milk-Tetra-Pak, a Velo, the sentence: “Too many tabs open.”

Joel Tweitmann was dedicated in his thesis, the phenomenon of Do-it-yourself Tattoo. He has also studied at the Zurich University of the arts. Amateur Tattoos were already in the 20. Century, an integral part of the culture, he writes in his work. Mostly they symbolized affiliation, should define its carrier or stories to tell. Sailors gathered them as Souvenirs. Prisoners missed each other’s motives. In Russia, star, distinguished, for example, on the shoulders of high-level professional criminals. The Tattoos stood out with rudimentary tools, as color is a mixture of burnt rubber and urine was obviously. In the rock scene of the 70s, the young members stood in the USA with a needle yourself. “The puncture was often too deep,” writes Tweitmann in his work, “it created a rough and inaccurate Tattoos.”

The question put to the Student: What moves Swiss, Amateur tattoos, piercing and for ion and hygiene risks imperfect take on? What added value do they bring this kind of tattoo? His answer: “In the case of the independent corruption the process of Corruption is included as a special reminder in the Meaning of the tattoo.”

These conversations with people close to laying, have engraved such Tattoos or piercing were: Sebastian reported in Tweitmanns work of an alcohol-filled evening after the WK in the army, which ended with a tattooed bottle of Poison on the thigh, as well as a “fuck the army” on the buttock. The bottle of Poison voice of him today, still nostalgic. You carry him back to a time in which everything appeared so, no matter from the hip shot. Something different Sebastian sees the “fuck the army”Tattoo. He thought about it, to let it remove.

“It’s punky, and Rebellion!”

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven”: Bourguignon by counting the Tattoos that she has stabbed herself. It shows on a variety of body. The burning “Love” on right Arm hurt the most. She has not been stung but yourself. It was a friend who practiced on her. With her and another friend, she founded the collective “Stächerinne”. Suddenly, strangers were coming up to her and she had asked if she would stab them with a Tattoo. “I thought it was great. It made for a bottle of wine, or any matter of the heart.”

Bourguignon tattooed today, mainly other people together with your collective at parties, gallery openings, Outdoor. To work sterile, no witchcraft, she says. You stab other people, it was less restricted and could go with the nose up almost to the skin, the way you used the paper as she studied academic Drawing, what are you spoiled a few years ago.

Bourguignon has no all-encompassing explanation for the phenomenon of Amateur Tattoos, but quite specific for yourself. “It’s punky, and Rebellion!” For you it means even more. She found the patience, the calm and the Motivation is you got out of hand when Drawing on the paper. And personal development, she still remembers today a blurred fish skeleton on the left Hand. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 08.12.2018, 13:42 Uhr