the Cost of the royal family constitutes much more than about the 100’s of millions of dollars, as the minister and co. every year in apanage.

A number of authorities, agencies and ministries have large costs, including transport, protection and catering of the royal family members.

See also: Margrethe furniture gobbled up

It also applies to the Slots – and the Danish agency for culture, who every year spend a fortune in the millions to renovate and heat the castles, as the royals call their home.

In 2017 had Slots – and the Danish agency for culture in the total expenditure for 15.641.927 crowns. It is clear from a public access to the agency’s expenditure on royal castles, owned by the state, and which is available for free to the royal family.

Here is the bill: Two castles were the most expensive ones

Amalienborg Slot: 4.380.520 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 286.545 kr.)

Christiansborg Slot (among other things repræsentationslokalerne): 583.954 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 884.619 kr.)

Fredensborg Slot: 5.453.389 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 763.609 kr.)

Sorgenfri Slot: 1.365.299 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 114.027 kr.)

the town of Gråsten Slot: 112.593 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 112.593 kr.)

the Hermitage: 207.243 kr. (in addition, the cost of heating: 94.714).

Maintenance of statsinventar: 1.011.228 kr.

total: 15.641.927 kr.

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The main line in the bill relates to the construction of Fredensborg Palace, where the agency has punget out with 4.245.148 dollars alone to the post.

Fredensborg Slot was one of prince Henry’s favorite places to stay, and it also has a very special place Margrethe’s heart. It is often the setting for major events such as birthdays, and the queen uses it as his home during spring and autumn.

Therefore, there will apparently also taken really good care of it, and the approximately 4.2 million dollars is among the gone to the maintenance of the castle’s facades, a new ekspansionslæg and replacement of old pipes and valves.

There will also be ensured that the royals have something good to sit in. Slots – and the Danish agency for culture used 1.011.228 dollars on the maintenance of statsinventar in 2017. Photo: Joachim Adrian
It is not only the caretaker, who has had something to see to in 2017. Also the gardener has had a part for the hand to fit Margrethe flowers and pray.

You have done gardening for the minister for 540.068 crowns.

the Amount is passed to the new plants and trees, particularly after a storm surge hit the Udrider Avenue, walking along the palace gardens at Fredensborg, there should be new trees and plants in the ground.

Fredensborg and Amalienborg Palace: It used to millionerne

At Fredensborg Castle, to cover the cost of 5.453.389 dollars:

the Renovation of the facades of the Octagon, Bathsheba – and lysgårdRenovering of the wall against BankepladsenRenovering of stairs at DamebygningenLøbende replacement of trees and planterNyt ekspansionsanlægGenplantning of Udrider Avenue after stormfaldAlmindelig maintenance of plastered and painted surfaces on the facades plus-implementation of the flashings etc. on the tag.Ongoing maintenance of the technical installations, including the replacement of old pipes, valves etc.

At the Amalienborg Slot to cover the cost of 4.380.520 dollars:

Update of brandalarmeringsanlægAlmindelig maintenance of the roof and facaderLøbende maintenance of the technical installations, including the replacement of old pipes, valves etc.Alignment of the coatings in the farms behind the palæerneFærdiggørelse of the new guest toilet at the reception rooms

(Source: Slots – and the Danish agency for culture)

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the Queen’s vinterbolig at Amalienborg Palace also got an overhaul in 2017, which cost Slots and the Danish agency for culture 4.380.520 crowns.

Like the Fredensborg palace is the entry building, which fills most in the budgets. Specifically, the new fire and a new toilet pulled the cost up.

well-Known Welcome to the royale jagtklub

There have also here, make sure to Margrethe, so Dinamobet and Margrethe’s sister princess Benedikte have not had to look at the worn out facades, when they come rolling into the square in their delicious dippers.

Thus, the agency had expenses for the maintenance of the facades, just as the more private courtyards behind the palaces have been given new coatings.

Last year, the Slots – and Kulturstyren cost of the new coatings in the taste of royal private gardens behind palaces on the Amalienborg Palace. Photo: All Over Press Denmark/Claus Poulsen
Slots – and the Danish agency for culture, writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet, that they sometimes get a call or an email from the royal family, that now something must be done.

‘It may happen that a member of the Royal family makes us aware that one or another, which the agency has responsibility for, is broken. So, we solve the task’, writes the agency.

See also: Used the royal yacht to private raises to 5.1 million. crowns

It is deepened, furthermore, that the current rates are far from the only maintained for the sake of their residents, but for the sake of Denmark’s cultural history.

’the royal castles represent some of the main buildings in the Danish architectural history’, writes the agency.