The Saastal Bergbahnen are a rehabilitation case. Now you have a jump with 12 million Swiss francs. Why?
We consider the time as favourable, and we like the Saas-Fee very well. The Swiss tourism due to the currency situation a difficult period. We believe it is now on the up again. It looks even better already. Switzerland is not more expensive than Austria.

In Saas-Fee, there is the Saisonabo for 255 francs. The action is disputed within the industry. What do you say?
You can’t work with such a low price over a longer duration. As a marketing instrument, such actions are from time to time, however, quite reasonable. We now need to analyze the Numbers and look at how we can develop the Whole. Whether it is next year a season pass for 255 francs, we can’t say at the Moment. Sure is, the action has brought medially a lot of. It more people came back to the SaaS valley. But you have to look at that the price-performance ratio is right.

Two fathers of of low price strategy of the Railways, mountain-chief, and the Director of Tourism, Saas exit Fee recently. Pirmin Zurbriggen was the Board of Directors of the Saastal Bergbahnen. There was a fight?
no, we had no clashes. Rather, it is so, that stops to be replaced with new owners, the Board of Directors and Board of management.

Other ski resorts rely on dynamic pricing, as it is known in air-traffic. What do you think?
I’m rather sceptical as to whether a dynamic pricing model is also suitable for our industry. We will be observing, what is the experience in other ski resorts.

The winter sports competition in the Canton of Valais. How to position Saas-Fee about in addition to Zermatt?
It is important that you find as a ski area in his market. Here in Saas-Fee, unlike in Zermatt. We rely heavily on deep-snow skiing, glacier experience, or fun parks. We continue to develop. I don’t see the competitive situation as a Problem. Zermatt has the Matterhorn. Clearly many of the guests come because of that, but not all, of the to Ski. Many only want to see the mountain and something to eat and drink. At us the pure sport of skiing is, perhaps, more in the foreground.

Why it’s worth it, Saas-Fee for your company ?
When the winter sports in Switzerland, as one of us expected to be recovered, is that we invest ourselves properly. We count on our many years of experience to achieve the Optimum for Saas-Fee. If we succeed, it will be worth our Investment.

Elsewhere mountain Railways to invest in Restaurants, Hotels and even own shops. They have similar plans in the SaaS valley?
no, such plans we do not have. Here in the Alps, tourism has grown historically. There are many entrepreneurs and not only to a provider that covers everything. As a mountain railway operators we are a part of the Whole. The food and the accommodation have to make, which are specialized.

What do you want to change in Saas-Fee?
First, we are investing in snow-making facilities. Saas-Fee is the snow safest ski resort of the Alps. This is our greatest value. This reputation we need to keep. Therefore, we want to expand to the lower area of the ski resort and the slopes, the Snow lines.

To the implementation, and what is the cost?
it depends on the negotiations with the authorities. There is still to clarify some of the questions, also with regard to nature conservation. It is our goal, the snow equipment in the shortest possible time to expand. We estimate the cost at between 4 and 7 million Swiss francs.

there Are also new lifts?
We only invest in mountain Railways, where it is necessary. It makes no sense to build a new Lift, if the old connection is still okay. Much more important is to improve the comfort. An example: If you join us at 2800 meters from the train, you have to run about 300 metres to the next train. This is not the time according to. Families with children and people from the Netherlands or somewhere else in the flat land, you are getting a sweat outbreak before on the Ski. It needs a conveyor belt. This does not cost the world, but it makes the Whole thing more enjoyable. In some places, it also needs escalators. Saas-Fee is also more attractive for pedestrians who only want to drive up and have lunch.

Benefits of Saas-Fee also from the synergies of the Schrock needle group?
Yes, there are huge synergies in purchasing, Management, and maintenance. The SaaS valley cableways are already saving a lot of money, because we are a new kind of shopping together piste machines, plants or spare parts. Also the exchange of knowledge in the Marketing or the food is gross.

What you can learn Fenomenbet from Saas-Fee to Austria?
In Austria, we edit a lot more, the markets in Eastern Europe. There is a huge potential. Just look at times Poland. The country has 4 million skiers, but almost no ski resorts. There are many wealthy poles, who would like to come here, but you don’t know Saas-Fee. Of the 300 million Chinese who are soon to go skiing, we don’t talk at all. We see a great future for the sport of skiing. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 07.12.2018, 22:46 PM