HALDEN, norway (Dagbladet): the Police ask about the four-week custody for the man who is charged with attempted murder after police in Ski received a bomb Wednesday.

the Defendant arrived at the Halden district court at 16.20 on Saturday afternoon in a dark olajakke with a ullkrage. He looked somewhat dazed, but sat down next to his attorney, John Christian Fire.

is wrong RIGHT: Man’s defender, John Christian Fire (t.h.) greet politiadvokat John Skarpeid. Photo: John Terje Pedersen Show more

questions from the Newspaper if he has something he will say, ” says the man in 40-years.

– I was not apprehended. I made an appointment with politiadvokaten. I want to correct the image, because I believe there is an error it is written that I was arrested, he says to Dagbladet.

I hung out for something I’m not, ” he says.

the Man describes it as that he himself arose. He has previously said that he has the understanding that the police wanted to talk with him, because of the long-standing conflict he has had with the police.

Accident and closed doors

Politiadvokat John Skarpeid stated that they will petition the closed doors at the hearing, including because the police cannot rule out the possibility that the other may have been involved.

the Police argument also with the fact that the matter is in a preliminary phase that they fear the details that may reveal the offender and any other people’s involvement may come out.

Bombegruppa have taken into the siktedes apartment

the Police will covet the man imprisoned for four weeks with letters and restraining order and two weeks in solitary confinement. Deputy judge Pia Skjørshammer Klafstad decided that the hearing should go for closed doors.

Defender John Christian the Fire illuminated the fact that the persons charged with want closed doors.

The key is that the police say others may be involved and that it not necessarily is him, ” says the Fire.

Fengslingsmøtet were somewhat exposed because the charged man has been to the emergency room in Sarpsborg.

– There were some helsemesssige challenges that may have been stress. However, it is expected that he come here and that fengslingsmøtet will go according to plan, about a half hour delayed, ” he says.

Refuses straffskyld

The charged man has defender John Christian Fire as a defender, which is itself set in fengslingsmøtet in the day. The imprisonment should really be carried out on Monday, but was precipitated to the present day.

Man, who is in the beginning of the 40-årea, is charged with attempted murder. He was arrested Friday afternoon at Skedsmo centre in Akershus, norway.

CLOSED its DOORS: deputy judge Pia Skjørshammer Klafstad. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

follow the Fire does not have his client acknowledged the relationship.

– He has not consented to the imprisonment and believes himself pursued by the police over the last ten years, writes the Fire in an sms message to the NTB. At 13.30 time Saturday afternoon set the indicted man in the interrogation, informs the midst of the Fire.


It was turned alarm by politihuset on the Ski as a package were to be opened Wednesday morning, and an employee had suspected that something was wrong. Police bombegruppe were in place about 45 minutes later, and they chose to render the object by firing a shot at it.

the Police have stated that there was talk about a sharp, real bomb intended to do harm to people.

Thursday indicted the police man who was arrested Friday.

The charged bombemannens long dossier: – A regular citizen who feels overrun by the system

– We knew who was behind the bombetrusselen Thursday night, and he was formally indicted then. We could not, however, go out with something before he was apprehended, said politiadvokat John Skarpeid.

Man’s handwriting on the package that was sent was among the key evidence, and the police did extensive technical analysis of the header.

Large politiaksjon

Friday night was the police out in a big politiaksjon to the charged man’s home in Skedsmo on the Interpretation, together with bombegruppa, fire brigade and health care. Fear that the offender, in any manner, had put up traps led to a large array of emergency services.

the DYNAMITE: we know about the suspicious package sent to police on Wednesday 5. December – which proved to contain explosives. Video: Freddie Larsen, and Dumanbet the NTB Scanpix. Clip: Ingrid Cogorno Show more

Neighbors were evacuated, and a large area around the boligblokka was blocked off. Late Friday night enlightened the police that they evacuated the residents got to move back. The clock 21.45 left bombegruppa the residence without having made a discovery.

The charged is well known by the police from the past, including for threats against police and the court, lighted to the East police district, in a press release Friday afternoon. Dagbladet says Skarpeid that the man previously driven with the tagging of the court on the Interpretation and the police station where earlier in the year.

Man charged with drapforsøk after bomb threat against police