the CDU Sultanbet in the East new a profile, as long as Merkel is Chancellor? On Saxony’s Prime Minister, responds in report from Berlin evasive. Before the state election he desires, above all, no dispute.

ARD : The new CDU leader comes from the Saarland, the new CDU General Secretary from the Sauerland region. With this top of staff a successful campaign to make the market places in Chemnitz or Dresden or any other place in Saxony?

Michael Kretschmer: I think it is. Just Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, is someone who know yourself, how change of structure works, how difficult this can be. And I talked to her in the last few months, much – discussed critically on the question of how the CDU stands and what changes are necessary. I felt a great openness and sensitivity.

Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of Saxony, with estimates of the CDU in the personnel decisions
report from Berlin, 09.12.2018

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