Like you, Kate miner, and July came Lenz to call the festival?

We are all big movie lovers, and is always dismayed that in Berlin – the city with the largest number of woman-loving women in Germany are not seeing a lot of good lesbian movies. This is due to the fact that the word “Queer Cinema” in most gay films are shown. Movies from the perspective of female Homosexuality, by contrast, are often invisible. We now want to do something against this invisibility and en bloc films, and for the Community.

Why you chose the Label lesbian and non-binary?

movies that tell a non-binary, inter-or trans-perspective, are often as invisible as lesbian films. Therefore, we want to give you – from a female Pole coming from – a Public offer. We also include with this designation, all persons who identify as lesbian, but is not, or is not clearly identifiable as a female. Overall, we want to achieve with the Festival to a wide audience: gay fathers as Betgram well as straight allies.

there Is a thematic focus?
My co-organizer indoor Jule and Kate are both mothers. We have designed a special “Rainbow-Family”program. This was us in front of the Background on the heart, that even in times of marriage for all the Mitmutter still the child by the step-child adoption must adopt. Also in the area of Sport and society in focus: In the Film “Charlie” is a*n young*n footballer*of*the very talented, but a lot want to be perceived. We already have some gems in the process: We will open with the Film “The heirs”, which was awarded at this year’s Berlinale with two silver bears.

you Know, whether there will be in the next year a new edition?

The demand is there – alone on Facebook have been shown within a few weeks and without advertising and 2300 people interested! This shows that it needs in spite of the queer Xposed Festivals, the trans-festival of transformation and the Feminist Film Week is also a decidedly lesbian Event. We have a race with our Event doors open and hope is to provide medium to long term an entire international film festival on the legs.

Lesbian Non-binary Filmfest, 9. December from 11.30 am in the Sputnik Kino, Hasenheide 54

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