Mr Heilmann, what has İllegal Bahis prompted you to request, immediately after the election of Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer to the CDU Head of the rapid retreat of Angela Merkel as Chancellor?

I have not demanded a quick withdrawal, but only on request confirmed that a transition time is coming. That said, Angela Merkel, even so. And I think and say nothing else.

How long to take this transitional time?

the change in The Chancellery, should be timely prior to the expiration of the term, but not hastily. When the time is right, don’t know, probably nobody, at least to me. It is also not sure that the change is a success.

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Has not shown the Hamburg CDU party Congress, the CDU wants a slow and orderly Transition?

Yes, and rightly so. Of course we need continuity and an orderly Transition.

Brexit, the debt crisis in Italy, the reform backlog in the EU – Germany, cars of the Chancellor’s changes, as long as things in Europe are reasonably Plumb?

of Course, we need Angela Merkel as Chancellor in these difficult times for Europe. There is also no one do not want to, that it goes within the next six months, I, as a self-confessed Merkel-trailer.

Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer Chancellor and with a Amtsbonus in the election of 2021 go?

it is certainly in the Pole Position. But it goes first to the interests of the country. Therefore, we need a stable government.

Why you should join the SPD and Kramp-select Karrenbauer to Merkel successor?

persons of the exchange are, according to our Constitution, there is no reason for new elections. The CDU, the Chancellor, is in the coalition agreement. I don’t think the SPD would be well advised to drive the country for political reasons in an election. There was also the exchange of Brandt, Schmidt or here in Berlin, Wowereit to Müller.

What role can and should play Friedrich Merz in the future in the CDU?

The most Important thing it has done, Friedrich Merz, called on its supporters to actively Kramp Annegret-to support Karrenbauer. A Position on the Board, he did not want to.

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calls for his resignation from the Berlin CDU “Angela Merkel needs this advice is not”

Thorsten Metzner, Stephan Haselberger

Thomas Heilmann is Berlin’s Deputy in the CDU in the Bundestag, and is one of the supporters of the new President Kramp-Karrenbauer, Annegret. With him Stephan haselberger said.