It is probably a good idea to find a scarf, mittens and long underwear when you are planning udendørsgarderoben for the upcoming week.

We see namely seems to go quite a vinterlig week in the meeting. It tells Klaus Larsen, who is the duty officer meteorologist at DMI.

– Julesneen fall early in the year. In any case, we can see for the first time snowfall in Klasbahis most of the country, he says.

However, we must first get through Monday and Tuesday, where the current autumn weather keeps the fort. Around Wednesday and Thursday will begin with temperatures that fall to between 3 and 5 degrees.

on Thursday and Friday there is a good chance or high risk of snowfall. The probability is highest in the southern parts of the country.

– If it falls as snow or sleet depends on where in the country you are located. But there will be showers across most of the country, says Klaus Larsen.

In the same period, there will be great probability of frost, shows DMI’s forecasts.

Saturday was the snow and sleet be slowed down and temperatures rise again.

Throughout the week, you can expect winds from the south and southwest.

– It gets windy, so there are probably many who will feel the falling temperatures as colder than they really are. Please be aware chillfaktoren, says Klaus Larsen.