It requires a sustained effort to be in a happy relationship.

And even though the relationship as a starting point is good, and there will be crises and downs, who do not necessarily have to lead to a breach.

We have talked with therapist Nina Reventlow from the portal about the biggest threats in the couple’s relationship, and on how best to deal with them.

the Prerequisite for a good relationship is to you in word and deed, shows that the second and the that you see and hear the other. Lack of or poor communication is a classic challenge and a potential killer in any relationship. And often our way of communicating connected to patterns that go back to childhood.

No one can as our partner of press on the buttons, which causes us to respond as a child. In couples ‘ counselling is the relationship that is in therapy and eye-opening experiences comes in as both parties acknowledge its responsibility.

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It is to be clear about why you ended up in the situation, remember what it was you fell for from the other, and what they themselves can do to contribute to make the relationship into a living and loving space, is to improve the communication between the parties.

it Goes without about therapy, is a good exercise to ask earnestly into his partner and then listen to what is being said, instead of to interrupt. It requires training to become an active listener, but it can be done, explains Nina Reventlow from

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Lack of sex and intimacy is often a result of too little time and attention to and from his partner. Sex and intimacy is another way to talk together, but it is at least equally important as to talk together properly.

For many women, intimacy and the emotional connectedness to it, which precedes sex. There can be many reasons for it to not work and the everyday bustle can be one of the big killers. Here, the structure and prioritization of the calendar help to create the necessary breathing spaces and time for sex.

the Problem is so universal, in fact, there is made apps, that helps to get started with to talk about sex, if it is this that is the challenge. Also a sexologist or therapist will be able to help on the right path.

Sex and intimacy is something that requires time and energy, but is also something that makes a profit and which should be high on the list of priorities in a relationship.

See also: How to get In sex on the table – without that it ends up as a sur sexpligt

A strained economy is a big stress factor, which can provide both emotional and physical symptoms. Emotionally close to typically about themselves, which can get both parties to feel lonely.

There is much shame associated with a bad economy. Physically it can cause everything from nakkespændinger, muscle pain, headache to a lack of sex drive. It is important to ask yourself: Can I ask for help? Help can be to take a talk with his advisor and made a concrete plan for the future.

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Many relationships suffer from a busy life with a tight and scheduled the program. If there must be breathing holes, structure is an important factor and should be viewed as an opportunity rather than a straitjacket.

It takes time and prioritization to the care of his relationships. And yes; everyone has time for it – no one can afford not to be. Too often it is the small things that make the difference. A properly farvelkys in the morning, while looking each other in the eyes, a sms with a loving message during the day, a warm hug when you come home and caresses, when you are in bed at night. Combined, it takes not many minutes, but it can make all the difference!

Adultery is an easy way to get confirmed, this one is missing and that your partner does not see or provide. The way back to a good relationship can be long and painful, and the roles that violate and victim can be difficult to get rid.

Confidence must be rebuilt, and it requires that both takes responsibility for not falling back into old roles. Here comes a qualified couples ‘ counselling as an option, as parterapeuten can act as a mediator with the aim of getting the parties to meet again on an equal footing.

the Dialogue is the first step in this context, for here we can express the sorrow and anger Perabet and intent in a way that the other can better hear.

See also: 7 signs you need to forgive infidelity

6. Serious illness
Serious illness is also on the roles in parfoldet, which often come to pass of the patient and helps. It is not everyone who is prepared to face such crisis through. We are always more than our diagnoses and the roles we occupy and, therefore, is the alpha and the omega, that we remember to see each other – the other – as our beloved and such as that, among several factors make the struggle worth it.

Through a serious illness, it is my experience that both the individual – as couples ‘ counselling can be a support and help both parties to keep matters separate ad, which will also create space for the relationship, says Nina Reventlow from

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