We have heard several sci-fi stories on the subject, but now it seems that the reality may have caught the literature.

the Researcher He Jiankui the claim, that he in his laboratory in Hong Kong has changed a tvillingepars dna, such that they can better withstand hiv and aids. The twins were born this month and is thus – if He Jiankui speaks the truth – the first ‘designed’ babies into the world.

the Trial has been condemned by scientists, who believe it is unethical to do the sorts of interventions. They do not believe that there is sufficient knowledge in the field, that you can make the kind of tests on people, writes the Associated Press.

He Jiankui has sakbt stir in videnskabsverdenen with its controversial experiment. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP

You risk to tinker with something, which can lead to major consequences for the subjects clean health. It is a somewhat precarious situation ethically, for the changes in the fostrene can be nedarvende and thus spread through society.

in Addition, there is the fundamental question of whether one should change in foetal dna, such that they have desirable characteristics such as higher intelligence, longer life, etc.

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He Jiankui explains that he has used seven pairs in the experiment, of which Kralbet all men have aids. The pairs received in connection with the experiment of free fertility treatment. The researcher says that none of the involved pair will make up for the interviews, but that they all fully understood the experiment.

It is, however, also been questioned, since the subjects ‘ consent form describing the experiment as ‘aids-vaccine-development’.

There was born a twins this month, which should have been changed at their DNA. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP

nevertheless, there should be come a twins out of the experiment. It indicated He Jiankui Monday a few days before a mass for genetic research.

There are also not been provided records and reports from the scientist, and therefore rests all the information on his shoulders so far.

It is, as I said, a very controversial experiment. The researcher even chose to take the plunge, he explained to the Associated Press.

I feel a strong responsibility about not just to be the first, but to set the example for what you can use the technology. The society will determine which direction it should take afterwards, he said.

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One of the many colleagues who condemn the experiment, Dr. Kiran Musunuru, a genredigerings expert at the University of Pensylvania.

the Experiment has received sharp criticism from other scientists. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP

– It is unconscionable. An experiment on the people, which neither is morally or ethically justifiable, he said.

A second, Dr. Eric Topol, director of Scripps Research Translational Institute in California, was also not in favour.

– It is too early. We are talking about the plans for the living human being. This is a great thing, he said.

However, thought George Church, which is gen-expert from Harvard University, the attempt could be justified.

He Jiankui will over the next period of time to provide documentation, which will be reviewed by other scientists.

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