To the toys under our Christmas trees, the Sweat and the blood of the Chinese workers who manufacture this glue. The conditions in many toy factories in China year by year from bad to worse. Women make up to the total exhaustion of Overtime, you are exposed to toxic chemicals, and are herded by dozens in filthy accommodations.

For this they receive starvation wages, also varies significantly. You can live in the main season before Christmas, with significant Overtime just from your work income, you will receive in the off-season is not even half of what is in China for a decent standard of living is necessary. Can’t fight the workers ‘ right to strike is not familiar with the nominally Communist people’s Republic of China, and in the factories there is a lack of opportunities to Lodge complaints.

These precarious conditions, reveals a new report by Solidar Suisse, the trade unions and the SP-supported development organization. Only: be Interested in the results anyone to do. Neither the customers who buy every year, more toys, still, the Swiss retailers such as Migros, Coop, Manor and Franz Carl Weber, the pushing of the responsibility on the manufacturer. Or the brand-name manufacturers such as Disney, Mattel, or Hasbro, which refer to Labels, and exercise, but at the same time, more and more pressure on the factories.

a Lot of manufacturers outsource jobs to subcontractors, about their conditions of production is not known. to change

in the interest of Chinese workers to be really something that must take all the parties Involved more responsible: customers, dealers, manufacturers. The latter are required to control their supply chains better, and for improvements and Standards in the factories. This means not only to inspect, but also binding Changes to determine their compliance with active call, and check. At the factory in the production countries, these Labels will be presented to visit often to the theatre, to criticize the Holiganbet government and independent organisations.

How are the workers behind the Scenes, really, remains in the dark. Add to this that in the so-called Audits often only official-factories are reviewed. Many producers outsource contracts to subcontractors, about their conditions of production is not known. It is also very important that the factories would distribute the work throughout the year to ensure predictability for the workers and the stark differences in Income between main and off-season to counteract.

The brand manufacturer must also be considered in the case of misconduct, the objectives of the responsibility. A lever for investors. Many toy manufacturers such as Mattel or Disney are publicly traded companies. Investors may insist on better conditions of production for their products, or with the deprivation of their financial participation threaten.

shareholders and other capital providers need to be ready to do so, a lower rate of return when the human rights are respected in the production and therefore the workers live in material security and Dignity.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 09.12.2018, 22:18 PM