Economical, ecological and easy to the Baltic sea diet to keep away from people with disease. Its ingredients can be found in the middle of your shop.

a modified pea soup! exclaimed the scholar Noora Kanerva .

the Background, you hear a smooth and light running stride. Heather gave an interview to run.

Heather is our country’s best off-road cyclists, and his life belongs to a lot of energy Betorder to practice. Eating is athletes important thing.

in my day job, Heather works as a researcher at the university of Helsinki public health department.

He has studied a lot of it, what kind of effect a particular diet has on human health.

He knows, as well as a researcher that as an athlete, how to keep to eat.

mostphotos best favorite food

weeknights Heather put the home number of a bowl of water to soak two-thirds of peas and one third of the fava beans.

the Next night at work came after he adds huuhdeltujen peas and fava beans with onion and carrots before cooking.

the Soup is ready in 45 minutes. Hand blender soup until smooth and when even the mustard…! she praises.

Self-made, bull beans pimped pea soup is vegetarian food popular the Heather everyday favorite foods.

Pimped pea soup is good, easy and cheap. It is also ecological, responsible and healthy local food.

It is absolutely Baltic sea diet in accordance with food.

That we can with pride call an excellent example of health promoting diet.

Domestic fish is healthy. Fish would be good to eat two or three times a week. Inka Soveri/ILMahtavan tasty

Heather flagged the Baltic sea diet for also in terms of flavour.

– Yes it tastes good!

the Baltic sea diet to can eat also some meat, but Heather hasn’t eaten red meat in 16 years, and he doesn’t eat much chicken either.

Still, he is easy to find in the grocery store a lot of raw materials suitable taste to the Baltic sea diet appropriate food.

– Root is easy to prepare in the oven and blue-veined cheese, spiced beetroot puree soup is awesome.

independence day Heather eats his mother’s traditional recipe make potato casserole, turkey and rosollia, which are kind of like a practice for christmas.

at Christmas we eat turkey. It is a good compromise, if someone does not eat red meat and if all do not like fish.

Beetroot is a great weekday meal. Inka Soveri/ILEi just meat imitations

Heather pimp from other traditional food than just pea soup. Cabbage box he makes by replacing the minced meat härkiksellä.

Heather is pleased that in recent years consumers have become available to many new vegetable-based food innovations nyhtiksestä härki.

an additional wish that he / she has.

– can be made also such vegetable products which do not just reach for the meat to countries outside of the form, but who are genuinely tasty vegetarian food.

Always imitate not bring something much better, even if the product should, therefore, say, vegan.

– Vegan cheese is not always healthy in its composition. Vegemakkarat in a while might be as much salt than normal sausages, Heather recalls.

an Apple a day keeps the mind happy. Inka Soveri/ILSydämelle in favor of

the Baltic sea diet is Heather, affordable choice.

– Only, which is costly, is fish, Heather frets.

Few of us actually goes out to sea or the lake to fish.

the Baltic sea the diet of healthy has been proven by studies.

heather’s dissertation research four years ago found out that the Baltic sea diet by 40% a smaller waist obesity risk.

Later it was also found that those subjects whose diet resembles the Baltic sea diet, gained less or even lost seven years follow-up compared with those study subjects, whose diet was not the Baltic sea diet.

the Baltic sea diet also protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Because the diet to keep the weight under control, it is probably also indirectly type 2 diabetekselta protective effect.

the Baltic sea in the diet seems to be, therefore, an excellent alignment, but the fact is that few of us this recommendation, according to eat. Reasons is much.

Noora Kanerva keep the native food value. He flagged nordic food, but he is a big fan also of Italian kitchen. – In the spring, when the beginning of the best cycling season, pasta eating is a good refueling. Difficult to refuse

Eating is not just a mechanical execution. It involves all kinds of, Heather realized.

– we have a daily ten situations that hinder healthy food choices. Temptation can be hard to refuse, Heather said.

the Workplace is to offer wonderful desserts, meeting in the sweet treats, the shop shelves groan urgent pieces of äkkinälkään.

– When you’re tired, busy and stressed, can be difficult to choose a healthy diet. Good food is nice to reward yourself for a day of hard work or take comfort in difficult moments.

recently there has been increasingly more vocal positions on its behalf, that the trade ought to do something self-supply.

Should people good for your health, that fatty and sweet treats weren’t so handsomely there as these shops are.

fava beans. Inka Soveri/ILTäkäläinen the Mediterranean

the Baltic sea diet is assembled so that it is varied, tasty, easy and cheap, so all possible.

the man with the Baltic sea diet has been shown to be linked to smaller waist circumference in particular, apparently, barley, oats and rye eating and therefore, that alcohol is used only a little.

Overall, the rich kuituisuus the Baltic sea in the diet seem to lead to a smaller energy intake, and thus weight and weight management, i.e. it keeps the pounds off.

the Baltic sea diet as a term was invented when we wanted to bring a domestic alternative to the famous and healthy proven Mediterranean diet.

Somehow the Baltic sea just doesn’t sound as tempting as the Mediterranean, which the association will soon gentle winds, rich flavors, mellow food and a good vibe.

the Baltic sea the diet of the content is so good that it deserves to be an attractive name.

What about it nordic? Or the nordic diet, Heather suggests.

What the diet recommends a dietician Anette Palssa.