MejlaUlrica Vdcasino Schenström+ FÖLJUtan faster trains we never do any skillnadKOLUMNISTER

I am a tågnörd! With the glasses I mean, not that I know anything about the gauge or is based Märklintåg. I on the other hand loves to ride the train.

cosy and quiet glide through the landscape. I work on board, read the papers, drink coffee and will catch up with life. In stressful times, you can choose quiet title, that I discovered when I once booked the wrong and got pinch jaw to Karlstad! What a lot I got done.

I select the time the train regardless of whether I’m going to Västerås, Göteborg or Kalmar.

by the way, from Stockholm to Kalmar, hardly any trains. It takes time, over the 4½ hour! But it I buy. I get more done on the train ride than I get if I have to rush to the airport, through all the controls, squeezed out of the plane to a taxi or bus.

After a flight, it feels like I have not accomplished anything other than raised blood pressure.


Many seem to be like me. According to statistics from the traffic analysis is increasing rail travel faster than the population right now. A trend in the circle of acquaintances, and I don’t mean the young people, is that the salvation of the holiday. I’ll admit that I’m avis every time I get to hear about the nice night trains, dining, and beautiful views. Slow and tedious maybe someone would say, wonderful, I say.

Unfortunately, there are problems also. They start to take themselves a bit further away, or to places with fewer departures or worse relations. For some time, one must simply get to Östersund, Copenhagen or Paris. But how, then, shall we, for the environment’s sake, get more people to take the train – whether you are going on vacation or jobbmöte?

I think we need to invest in infrastructure and then european. It is not reasonable that it should need to take over a day to get to Paris from Stockholm, with 4-5 exchanges. From Sweden’s capital to the European capital, Brussels, it takes 30 hours, then simply choose a masochist train! Or six-seven hours from Stockholm to Umeå. We need to get faster trains simply.

For a lot of politicians, I swear now in the church, but we are not building out the network and develop the rail service, we will never shared to really be able to make any difference to the climate. It comes, of course, in the than to a greater extent the transport of goods. To go along E4, E6 or E18 and see a string of trucks that guzzle diesel is depressing.

No one understands everything about the climate threat , but I and many others understand that something needs to be done. In this situation, you are sometimes forced to listen to the experts and follow their advice, something that unfortunately is not self-evident today. President Trump says his gut feeling is ”more intelligent” than the experts ‘ recommendations. For democracy to be able to solve difficult problems such as global increased temperatures, need to our elected officials defend and protect the expertise so that decisions taken can be based on genuine knowledge, not on gut instinct.

A decision will not be popular as the Macron now painfully had to experience.

Politicians can’t force the citizens to change lifestyle without their consent. Where will travel by train into the picture. But even though more and more want to think about the environment so, unfortunately we can’t just cuddle us through a winding journey through Europe on the way to the next jobbmöte in Paris. We must, in a reasonable period of time to be able to take us to Kalmar, Brussels or Oslo.

Without better rail links, choose enough people yet fastest possible trip, unfortunately. Then it will be an environmentally inferior options as car or plane. For all is not tågnördar of rank.

ULRICA SCHENSTRÖMARTIKELN IS OMKlimat & environment+ FÖLJResor+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ6 december RESAFem travel faster by train than flyg22 november SAMHÄLLEC-top of hatred: ”Disguised conservatives bonfires on”30 October RESARes climate with trans-siberian järnvägen30 november KOLUMNISTERDet is no happy ending to this katastroffilmen9 november KOLUMNISTEREtt strong mittenmandat easily becomes a cumbersome curse