’the Kind of film are missing: I have a dream – imagine if Lars von Trier would challenge themselves and make a film that resulted in hope, joy and celebration of life. A devotional film about all the beautiful that life also consists of. Come on, Lars – I know that you can’

How to wrote the minister of culture, Mette Bock (LA) yesterday on Twitter, followed by a heart.

the Occasion was a new interview with director Lars von Trier, whose latest film about a serial killer, ‘The House that Jack Built’, will premiere on Thursday march 29. november.

Lars von Trier for the Danish premiere of ‘The House that Jack Built’ 9. October. Photo: Mogens Flindt

the Name of the ‘challenge’ got a wide range of known and unknown danes to the keys?

‘What should Susanne Bier so low? And now where we are going, what with, that you as the alleged liberal you are, challenging yourself, and let the people and the artists do whatever the hell it suited them? Come on Bock, I am strongly in doubt about whether you have the skill’ write satirefiguren Kirsten Birgit, host of ‘The Short Radioavis’.

‘Seriously?!?!? Mix you around’, says the actor Carsten Bjørnlund.

the radio Host Oliver Zahle offers in with the following:

‘Is it the movie ‘Father Of Four in Parliament and Goes Government, a LA’ you think?’

‘Is it a joke? It is our kulturministers real twitter account? I can’t believe that she would order/determine a film’, it sounds from the Twitter user Rasmus Engholm.

‘not Even Von Trier’s mind is dark enough to be able to paint longer and more ominous shadows than the pitch, you are providing there, Mette. With politicians like you, more than ever we need artists like Lars’, writes Emil B. Klintorp, which Mette Bock is similar:

‘Yes, we need Lars von Trier. I challenge with a “as being”, as he also challenged the other. Is that so terrible?’

Mette Bock called for some more ‘hopeful and happy’ films than the ones to which von Trier so far has made – including the one from Thursday biografaktuelle ‘The House That Jack Built’, which among other things has been given the label ‘horror’.

Around the dinner came Bock so with an explanation of his tweet. Here, it is alleged that she only sought to establish ‘as being’ in the style of them, as von Trier set for Jørgen Leth’s film The five as being’.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with the Danish ministry of culture’s press office, who have not yet had the opportunity to get a detailed comment from Mette Bock.

To Ritzau she explains that she does not want to break an arm’s length basis.

– I could never dream of interfering in the film Lars von Trier should make, sounds.

– But I know that Lars von Trier Padişahbet has previously made as being for, among others, Jørgen Leth and put them in unfamiliar situations where they were challenged.

– Therefore it was just my attempt with a twinkle in the eye to ask him a similar as being, she says.

the Minister, according to the Ritzau ‘disillusioned’ when she sees the many negative posts in the commentary track.

– There is fortunately other, serious debates about the culture of Denmark out and about at events I participate in.

– But social media has a tendency to be used as a trash can for everything else.

And it is a pity, for they offer a good opportunity to expand and develop our democracy, she says.

See also: Well is it not…? The ex-wife showed up to von Trier’s big night