Deurne, Three families are torn apart after the tragic accident in Deurne on Friday night. Director Manu R. (32) died on the spot. His comrade Adil Z. (29) died in the hospital from his injuries, and Manu’s girlfriend, Sheila V. N. (30), a mother of three, still fighting for her life. She would if only her girdle, worn.

It is a little after one o’clock in the night of Friday to Saturday, when Manu R., Sheila V. N. and Adil Z. of Cafe Stella on the Churchilllaan in Shots in the direction of Deurne drive. On the Ruggeveldlaan in Deurne goes completely wrong at the height of the viaduct on the E313. “To a yet unknown reason lost the driver of the Volkswagen, the control on his steering wheel”, says the local police of Antwerp. “Might have hit the car to the high Casinovale embroidery under the bridge, and was the vehicle weggekatapulteerd. The car hit on the head and hit the railing of the highway from the bike path separates. The railing pierced the car.”

Manu sat at the steering wheel, he died on the spot. Adil, who is in the back seat would have been, had immediately after the accident in extremely critical condition to the hospital. The chance that he would make it, was already low estimate. The same night he succumbed in hospital to his injuries. The third victim, Sheila, would be the only one of its seat belts have worn and only she survived the blow. With a double lung collapse and a stroke, she is currently in hospital in artificial coma held. Her condition was Sunday evening stable, but it remains to be seen if she gets through and no permanent injuries suffered.

There was a verkeersdeskundige appointed to investigate how the accident occurred. Or there are excessive speed or alcohol in the game was, it has until now not been officially confirmed.

Two daughters and a son

Sheila and Manu would be their former relationship recently picked up. According to guests of café Stella, they were very happy together Friday night. They celebrated the reopening of the café, which is now run by Sheila’s mother. Sheila has two daughters of ten years and a son of nine years old from a previous relationship. The children are by family care.

Manu was a dockworker in stockholm at different docks in the port of Antwerp, worked. In dokwerkerskringen there is a huge sense of defeat. “A hugely likeable guest to the shaft to communicate”, it sounds to colleagues. “There is a lot of sadness to the docks since we got the news arrived. We will have passionate discussions about fast cars and dén Antwerp very missed.” Adil was a friend of the couple who at Indaver nv employed.