Grow – Tips for your cultivation+ FÖLJVinterodla – so you grow the vegetables on the vinternGrönkål, salad and carrot – vinterodla is simple and kulOdla in the winter? Yes, it is actually possible.LOVELY FLAT

Grow there all year round? Well, it actually goes! In his latest book Vinterodling tips odlingsentusiasten Sara Bäckmo about how you are doing.

1. Indoor garden

I grow on a small scale in the window indoors under lights. Indoor growing is fun, but I think the effort is too large in relation to the size of the harvest. It is actually easier to grow and harvest much outdoors, even though it is winter. Therefore, I grow nothing more than a little smörgåsgrönt in the window. Pea shoots, lettuce and mikroblad is growing rapidly, do not need to omplanteras and are rarely of aphids and other pests before it gets eaten up.

If you want to give your vinterplantor a ride on the road, you can understand them in smaller containers before you plant them out.2. Greenhouses

in the Winter the greenhouses without a doubt the best site in question. I have two: One is 45 square meters and are south facing with little shade in the middle of the day and the other is 18 square metres and stands in the shadow almost all day during the winter. For best results, I grow in the ground, therefore, I have great jordbäddar in the tunnels that are grown all year round. It is more difficult to overwinter plants in pots, they freeze easier. But because I always think I have a little place there will be some pots after all.

protection from the wind and hard precipitation, the climate is better than in the ground. It is not always so much warmer, but the undisturbed environment makes a big difference. Leafy vegetables, root vegetables, and some onions can overwinter for harvest throughout the winter.

There are so many greenhouses to choose from, to buy ready-made or build-it-yourself. I have chosen tunnelväxthus, a steel construction which is covered by växthusplast. It is a cheaper variant of the greenhouse where I get to larger areas under cultivation are used for less money. Tunnelväxthusen are easy to put up and is said to give slightly warmer environment than glasväxthus. Perhaps this is due to the temperature difference that tunnelväxthusen often built larger and that the large volume keeps the temperature in a better way than in a small greenhouse of glass. The tunnels are generally slightly wetter than the glasväxthusen, which requires an extra pass with airing and watering mainly during the autumn and early winter, but is very useful in spring when many sådder crowding in both beds and pots. Another advantage during the spring and summer is to växthusplasten absorbs the sunlight, which does not reach the plants with the same strength as in a glass house. Seedlings need less than avhärdas and it is easy to grow even more fragile plants without being burned by the sun.

unlike glasväxthus considered tunnelväxthus be a mobile design. Therefore, it is necessary in some municipalities not planning permission even to put up a larger tunnel. But the call for the sake of safety to your municipality and ask, so there will not be problems later.

3. Odlingslådor

In pallet or homemade odlingslådor it gets just a bit warmer than on the ground. A framework that encapsulates the soil protects seedlings and sådder when the wind is hard and cold – it makes a big difference.
I use a lot of removable drawers and has, among other things, a set of packing collars, which change location constantly and evenly. Where I fill up trädgårdsskräp and tops with soil before I sow and plant for early and late harvests.

the Other boxes are permanently in a sunny position where it will melt quickly. They have different kind of lid and I plugs them full of sådder and plants throughout the year.

It is not visible from the outside, but under the snow in the Sara Bäckmos garden is growing lots of tasty vegetables all year.

Sara Bäckmo is a journalist, author and trädgårdsbloggare, and right now the most recent book Vinterodling (Roos & Tegnér).

What is it that attracts you to grow in the winter?
” It feels awesome to be able to pick our food in the garden all year. All seasons have their appeal with different vegetables that thrive. It is a challenge to try to push forward as much as possible, and surprisingly, it can a garden deliver a whole lot of food also when it is cold. But it is also my greatest pleasure to cultivate. It is simply fun!

How is it possible to grow in winter, what is the secret?

– the Secret is, of course, to bet on the vegetables that can tolerate the cold. It works not, for example, with tomatoes and beans. But spinach, various brassicas, vintersallat, radishes and other growing nicely when it gets chilly in the autumn. Vinterodlingen is partly Sahabet based on growing large vegetables that can overwinter in the soil, such as root vegetables, and also leafy vegetables, and other things that can be grown in the summer in order to stand skördeklara later in the autumn. To grow when it is cold is nothing new, but we have forgotten how to do and need to learn again.

It can be for the uninitiated sound like a pretty complicated project. How much time you have to spend on their vinterodling?

– Very little, compared with the sommarodlingen. The vast majority of vinterodlingen made in the summer and autumn, when it is warmer and perhaps a bit more comfortable to be there. Most of the displays in the gardens now and the fixes to, and then it is not so much more work to poke down some seeds or plants in the soil. During the winter, you can like new, in the cold and maybe even frozen soil, but it also goes quickly. Both a regular outdoor growing, able and greenhouses can be used. Greenhouses require a bit of maintenance in late winter to sniff out the moist air and water. But quite honestly is the biggest job to harvest.

What are your tips for the beginner who may want to test to grow on a smaller scale?

– You can in the first place let some of the vegetables remain in the ground, it is actually our best pantry. Parsnips, jerusalem artichokes, salsify and vintermorot are examples of root vegetables that can overwinter without problems. Or yes, the carrot needs to be covered with straw or leaves, but usually survive the winter fine with me in zone 3. Among bladgrönsakerna you can let the kale, spinach and chard, stand still – they give the harvest very late in the year, especially if you have chosen extra cold hardy varieties. Those who want to advance some can make new sådder of, for example, asian cabbage, lettuce, spinach, vintersallat and vinterportulak during the late summer. These grow quickly in the autumn and the leaves can be harvested from the land and the pots in both the open and greenhouses. It is so nifty!

If you had to choose five favoritgrönsaker to grow, what would it be?

– Our main vegetables to harvest in winter is the carrot, leek, vintersallat, jerusalem artichokes and kale!