today fall verdict against the former fremmedlegionæren Svein Jemtland (47), who is indicted for the murder of his wife Jane Jemtland (36) on the night of 29. December of last year.

Follow the judgment directly on here at 10.00.

Will punish Jemtland extra for the betrayal against the children: – He seems to live well with it.

Jemtland refuses straffskyld for the murder, and claimed the deadly shot that struck his wife in the head went off accidentally. After nine days of the presentation of evidence in hedmark county district court,, the court has now used two weeks to write a judgment against brumunddølen.

– For the string

the Ruling will provide a variety of interesting answers on how hedmark county district court has considered the arguments and evidence from both the prosecution and forsvarernes page.

district attorney Iris Storås has submitted a claim of 18 years in prison for felony murder. Svein Jemtland claim his innocence for the murder, and his defenders believe the punishment is too strict if he should be convicted.

LAST DAY: today is The last day of the trial against Svein Jemtland, who is indicted for the murder of his wife Jane. Now tell Jannes brother, Peter Opheim, about how the last weeks have been for him. Reporter: Hegelstad Eiendomsselskap Arvid B. Hegelstad Mogen. Video: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Our client is aware that he is not guilty. He shall not be convicted for murder. He is at once aware that he has done criminal acts in the aftermath of the accident, and that he should have a punishment for it, ” says his defender Christian Flemmen Johansen to the Newspaper.

– What about the district court, lands on 18 years in prison?

If the district court, lands on it and he is found guilty, we believe no matter 18 years of age is a strict punishment from a legal perspective, ” he says.

“Appears as an execution” TEST GUN: Before Janet Jemtland died, she was shot in the head with a gun. Her husband, Svein Jemtland, is accused of the murder, but claims pistolskuddet went off accidentally. Now tested the weapon in the right. Reporter/video: hegelstad eiendomsselskap arvid b. hegelstad Mogen / Dagbladet Show more

district attorney Storås let down a grueling assertion and a merciless judgment over what she believes Jemtland undertook during and after the murder.

After my assessment, there can be no doubt that there are particularly aggravating circumstances in this case. The actual shot is not enough to it, but it shows the strength of the defendant’s intent. The action appears as a clean execution, and he finds out the gun. The shot is in the middle of his forehead, and there is no other reason than that he shoots to kill, she said in its procedure in court.

the Murder happened on the night of 29. December at the home of the couple. when their oldest son at the age of 13 were at home. Shortly thereafter began the defendant to remove the track.

stony face of the city during the prosecutor’s relentless conclusion Dagbladet Plus

– This describes, in my view, a cold and calculated murderer who has shot his wife and that immediately hides the track, creating an alibi to call friends and send messages and make a call to Jane Jemtland, said district attorney Iris Storås in its procedure.

Hidden track

While he explained about the panic and chaos after the shot was fired, is the prosecution’s impression of a completely different.

DISAGREE: district attorney Iris Storås has submitted a claim of 18 years in prison for Svein Jemtland, who is indicted for the murder of his wife Jane. Jemtlands defender disagrees, and lays down the claim that the Jemtland is acquitted for the murder. Reporter: Hegelstad Eiendomsselskap Arvid B. Hegelstad Mogen. Video: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

hedmark county district court has been hearing that Svein Jemtland claim that the deadly hodeskuddet went off accidentally when he should have tried to disarm his wife because she threatened “to shoot him “balla”. Then he transported blodsporene from the courtyard of their home in. and down toward the tettstedets the city centre.

the Prosecution could not find his explanation that it was an accident credible.

the Background is, among other things, that several have explained that the gun belonged to him in addition to that brumunddølen has extensive våpentrening.

In addition, did Jemtland a comprehensive work to hide the traces of the murder, and lied in addition to family, friends and police that he did not know what had happened with his wife.

the Defenders flabbergasted with Jemtland-math

All these elements are central to why the prosecution believes he should be sentenced to 18 years in prison.


however, There are several unanswered questions in the case.

the Coroner has concluded that Jane Jemtland can’t have lived more than two to three hours after she was shot in his forehead, and has in addition determined that the cause of death is drowning. It means that she must have been drowned two to three hours after the shot was fired around 02.15 this morning, but the investigation has not been able to point to a specific place where drukningen should have happened.

Svein Jemtland claim he let his wife in a car a short time after the shot fell, and carried her to the Owned bridge near the Glomma about eight miles away – a day after. He claims he got shock when he heard that his wife had died of drowning.

This is the puzzles in Jemtland case Dagbladet Plus

the Explanations from all the experts in the matter is contrary thus with Jemtlands explanation. A Kripos-the analyst has in addition considered himself up to that Jemtland, may not have run trip/return Glomma with any of the cars he had before 2. January, and that he thus has transported her there the first four days after the shot was fired. Svein Jemtland deny this, and the defenders of his has disputed the calculation.

– Not up to the court to believe

Anders’ våpeneksperter was also critical of the explanation that the gun may have gone off when Svein and Jane Jemtland both fell to the ground, and pointed out that it required a certain amount of power for that trigger to go off.

All these moments will be very central when hedmark county district court comes with its judgment. District attorney Iris Storås believes, however, the matter is well lit.

the Paradox in Jemtlands explanation: – What else is there he has not told us?

– the Case is well-lit if the court shall decide, namely, whether the defendant is guilty after indictment or not. The key there is whether or not this was an accident or it is a felony murder, said district attorney Iris Storås to Dagbladet after the procedures in the case.

Jemtlands defender Christian Flemmen Johansen is in doubt about exactly this.

– Beviskravet is closed. It is not up to the court to believe. They should know what has happened. The way we see it, then it is not proven beyond any reasonable and sensible doubt that he killed Jane Jemtland. There are a number of other circumstances relating to the police’s arguments to the effect that we rather not believe is proven that in fact has taken place on the way the police describe, ” he says to Dagbladet.

Svein Jemtlands own words: “It had to be examined if she is I would marry was worthy of” Dagbladet Plus