NyheterC provide information in regeringsfråganFoto: Tove Eriksson/TTCenterledaren Annie Lööf. Arkivbild.Photo: Jessica Gow/TTStefan Löfven reports on the process in the government of the day. Arkivbild.NEWS

Centerledaren Annie Lööf holds just to the press conference in regeringsfrågan.

at the same time, the L and C indicate that they do not intend to vote for the government’s transitional budget, as the situation looks now.

Centre party will now provide the information in the regeringsfrågan. At 10 o’clock, the party has called a press conference to tell what they come up with after the weekend’s deliberations, to confirm the party for the TT.

in Parallel with the government going on the finishing of the next year’s state budget ahead of the vote on Wednesday.

Fight on the budget

the Liberals will now give the news that they will not vote for the government’s transitional budget.

– As it looks now we will put down our votes, ” says L’s economic-political spokesperson Mats Persson when the riksdag’s standing committee meet.

Centre party maintains that the party will vote on its own budget. It means that the Conservatives and Their joint budget proposal looks to win against the government, with the support of The sweden democrats.

– It is clear that should something happen in the regeringsfrågan so it can change our behaviour, but as it looks right now we will vote on our budget, and then abstain in the final vote, ” says Persson.

Video: reports

today is also expected to Stefan Löfven (S) meet with the president, Andreas Norlén to report the results of the situation in the government formation talks. Then expected the president to canlı bahis siteleri comment on the next step in the formation of the government – statsministeromröstningen on the Leaves.

The first possible moment for such a vote is on Wednesday, but may be deferred if Stefan Löfven has good reason to ask for it.

Also the budget being passed can be postponed in order to be adapted to statsministeromröstningen.

On Thursday launched the EU summit in Brussels, where, among other things, brexit and migration issues are on the agenda. But if Stefan Löfven released until as prime minister on Wednesday, he risks to miss the meeting because he the following days shall engage in the presentation of the ministers and of the government declaration.