It is the shortest performance in the history of the Oscars. Barely 24 hours after the Academy, after a long, desperate search your host for the gala on may 25. February had announced, said the comedian Kevin Hart (currently in “Night School”) again for his resignation. A series of homophobic Tweets from 2009 and 2011, had become fatal. The Academy urged to become aware of the text messages immediately distancing themselves from the offending Statements (disguised as paternal care), but Hart had no desire to pressure any of the virtue guards to bend. He is Not after pushing a lame-apology to the LGBTQ Community and resigned on Friday voluntarily by its Moderation.

This little Episode shows just how nervous the entertainment industry are, after a good year full of revelations of sexual abuse and allegations of the case of behaviour blank. A comedian, not a Rethink of his insensitive comments, he would have made in an Oscar year, which is already predicted to become the most diverse in the history of the Golden boy, Yes indeed, a very bad figure.

The misunderstanding to Kevin Hart but also in front of you, what role have taken over the social media as a moral instance. The memory of the World Wide Web is infallible, it seems a little ridiculous to complain about how Hard it has done. He has found the spell finally worthy to be with his Fans shared. With the aftermath he has to live now, as well as the applause.

A tool of self-examination

of Course, there are interest groups, and the social media to defame a targeted crawl to people. Finally, the case of Director James Gunn (“Guardians of the Galaxy”) made headlines, the pedophile jokes from his Sturm und Drang Phase of a right-wing Troll group had been dragged out to the Public. However, the Internet is the modern-day pillory. You should understand the new media, rather, as an evolutionary achievement of the digital human: so no social control à la “1984”, but a tool of self-examination.

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accusation of Homo-hostility to US comedian Kevin Hart says, according to criticism of Oscar-Moderation

the Ecosystem of The “Internet” swells in the age of social networks already in front of the trash. Therefore, we should all consider, maybe twice, if we spare the (After-)world a better place before our half-baked thoughts. A personal contribution to the digital environment, so to speak. This awareness is not yet too pronounced. But perhaps future candidates will benefit the Oscar-Moderation of this development.