MejlaJonna Sima+ FÖLJÅSIKTStefan Löfven is the politics ZlatanStatsministern turn out underlägeFoto: Lotte Fernvall / AFTONBLADET / 3226Kan Stefan Löfven zlatanera Swedish politics?LEADERS

Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.

today it is once again time for prime minister Stefan Löfven and the president Andreas Norlén to meet. After the feedback we will receive a notification if the president is going to try Löfvens government in parliament on Wednesday.

There is much that points to it.

According to Aftonbladet’s sources, went to the government formation talks between the social democrats, the Centre party and the Liberals significantly ahead in the last week.

On Wednesday, the vote in parliament on the budget. The question is whether the S, MP, C and L also have had time to develop their own reservation, in which case they can get more votes than the Conservatives and Their common budget. They have rödgrönblåa not risk the parliamentary chaos to continue.


Stefan Löfven has proven to be överraskningarnas previously. He solved the similar tricky situation after the last elections, by threatening an election, and then get to the Decemberöverenskommelsen.
He has also dealt with the refugee crisis and the terrorist bombings in central Stockholm in a way that surprised.
It is not unbelievable that he would do it now again.

Very different between the S, MP, C and L, but together, they represent the modern, green and forward-looking Sweden. They now have a historic opportunity to say here, but no longer to the growing nationalism, the klimatförnekande populism and antifeminismen. But it will require unwelcome compromises for all.

Zlatanisera Swedish politics

Stefan Löfven is often described, rightly, as the edgy, old-fashioned and a little bufflig, in particular in the debates against younger women. His chemistry with Annie Lööf seems to be directly lousy. Nonetheless, he now appears to be on your way to sewing up a second government. But you know Stefan Löfven also how it is to beat out the underdog.
A foster child in Västernorrland training to be a welder to be as well as not being able to be prime minister, not even in Sweden.

It has never happened in the past, and none of us get to experience it again.

To call Stefan Löfven for a Zlatan, the Swedish policy is perhaps not entirely accurate, to be recognized, but the osannlika groups, unpredictability and a rare ability to deliver when it comes to they have actually in common. He can also zlatanera Swedish politics?
After over ninety days of waiting on a new government, it is the time for it.