Climate change is our time planet. The autumn report from the UN’s climate panel, the IPCC makes clear that we need to stay at 1.5 degrees of warming to avoid catastrophic and unacceptable consequences. Everything we do on this planet must from now on focus on to avert a climate crisis and create a sustainable future. We, the Swedish students, therefore, requires a real change in the companies in order to be current and future employers, writes the initiator of the Swedish Studentmanifestet.

During the autumn, over 20,000 French students signed a manifesto with a clear message addressed to their future employers. The students write that they are ready to change their own way to live because of the environment and the climate crisis, and they want to see the big changes of the whole society to move towards a sustainable world. They announce, therefore, that they will opt out of the employers who fail to take sustainability seriously. Sweden are now following and start a private studentupprop. today, 3 december, released the Swedish Studentmanifestet, and a petition starts. Through our network, we reach out directly half of the Swedish students via e-mail, and we hope to reach out to all the students indirectly.

We feel that many of the companies we come in contact with happy to call themselves sustainable, but to really show that they are prepared to set about their business to meet the climate targets in the paris agreement. Instead, it points at a small part of the business, or a project, which has reduced emissions. For us students this is not enough, we expect a real change for a company to be up Bahis to date as future employers. It is no longer enough to have sustainability as one of the several questions of whether companies, countries or citizens. Everything we do on this planet must from now on focus on to avert a climate crisis and create a sustainable future.

During our future working careers, we want to use our knowledge, creativity and our resources to make the world better, not contribute to its destruction.

Already this year, the world has got to feel the extreme weather events that are becoming more common and is exacerbated by climate change. Sweden has had an extremely dry and hot summer with lost harvests and forest fires as a result. Storms and fires globally have been worse and more frequent than ever previously measured. We do not pass to keep us under 2 degrees of warming is a great risk to the earth’s ecosystem goes from to absorb some of our emissions to strengthen them, and we end up in a negative spiral in which the earth continues to heat up regardless of what we do.

the Autumn report from the UN’s climate panel, the IPCC makes clear that we need to stay at 1.5 degrees of warming to avoid catastrophic and unacceptable consequences for all life on earth. The path we are on now is leading us towards a 2050 where hundreds of millions of people falling below the poverty line with many more on the run as a result of climate change.

We will live in 2050, and maybe 2075, and 2100. It is we who will see the glaciers disappear, the species die out, the communities destroyed by storms and fires, people starve due to drought and wars over water and dwindling natural resources. But it is also we, if we choose the other way, that may be on the journey towards a sustainable world with a net zero global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. During the course of our future careers, we want to use our knowledge, creativity and our resources to make the world better, not contribute to its destruction.

Sweden is a välfärdsland with large emissions but with good opportunities for a transition to alternative energy sources. In order to do their part in reach 1.5-gradersmålet, Sweden must halve their emissions of four years and zero them to 2030. That it is not inside the borders of the country, the largest impact of emissions is, we refuse to allow to be an excuse for inaction.

To reduce their emissions to a sufficient extent to reach 1.5-gradersmålet should be what is needed to be able to promote itself as a sustainable company. Better yet, we see that companies are taking a leading role in the transformation, and actively working for a more sustainable world. Companies need to recognise the planet’s limits and to act in line with this. Sustainability must be the guiding principle in all decisions. This requires radical changes in business models, production processes, economics and market. All operational decisions will need to build on the significant reduction in emissions; it is not enough with marginal improvements.

We would therefore expect a clearer response from you, a Swedish company, what you intend to do to set about your activities, we will choose you as a future employer. A halving of the emissions in the four years to reach 1.5-gradersmålet means annual reductions of 16 per cent.

we wish to see in your business are:

caused by your business activities, even those that take place outside Sweden’s borders.

and have an action plan for how this should be implemented.

It is not enough merely to good ambitions and minor improvements, the set koldioxidbudgeten to be taken in the same seriousness as a financial budget.

We are convinced that companies that take a leading role in the transition will be most successful in recruiting this generation of students. We hope and believe that our future employers are listening to us and takes our concerns seriously.

We are waiting for your response!