CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer is not in the Cabinet of Chancellor Merkel. The new Chairman has also been without a Minister enough to work: Above all, they must unite the ranks behind.

According to the Post, as a new CDU-Chairman is now a Minister? For Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, apparently, not an Option. “I competed for election as party Chairman because I want to stand for separate positions of the European Union. I don’t need integration into the Cabinet,” said the former Secretary-General of the CDU in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”.

<p class="text deneme bonusu small”> The election of the Minister of the sun, anyway in the hands of the Chancellor, “and the Cabinet is complete,” added Kramp-karrenbauer.

she was elected on Friday to the Federal party in Hamburg to the new CDU-Chairman, in a close race with your competitors, Friedrich Merz of 52 to 48 per cent of delegates ‘ votes.

, The East relies more on Merz

A result, especially in the conservative camp of the party left a bitter aftertaste behind. Their followers would rather have seen Merz at the top. With Kramp-Karrenbauer as a Boss, many are afraid of a Merkel-middle rate without changes in the party alignment.

in Front of all the provincial associations in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg were set to Merz. In all three länder Landtag elections in the coming year. And all three CDU-associations to fight, especially against an ever-increasing AfD. In Thuringia and Saxony, the AfD comes according to surveys, more than 20 percent, in Thuringia, both parties are almost neck and neck.

The Ostverbände of the CDU to continue to Friedrich Merz.

Since would have done from the point of view of the regional associations of the conservative Merz of the CDU in the top for the voters ‘ favor. Therefore, the CDU chief in Saxony and Thuringia, Mike Mohring and Michael Kretschmer hope that Merz is committed also in the future for the party and for election campaigns in their own state.

Kramp-Karrenbauer even tried to calm down the Conservatives with the Argument that both Merz as a second competitor to the party top, Jens Spahn, had pledged their cooperation. Also, would not differ their goals in terms of content, not so much from those of the two inferior candidates, she said in the show, Anne Will. A pure “More so” will not give it to her.