the Greenland ice sheet is melting. Faster than we thought. Actually melting the ice cap right now more than at any other time over the past 350 years. Possibly more than at any time in the last 8,000 years.

Such is the conclusion of an extensive study, which has just been published in the journal Nature. A ‘solid’ and ‘extremely important’ scientific work, says the researchers, who have not participated in the work. It writes

But though we well know that man is responsible for climate change, but not doing anything about it, frustrates the scientists.

– We are not really here seriously right now. The climate continues to warn us about how bad it is, all the while the question of whether we intend to respond to the warning, remains unanswered. Some parts of our new research are surprising – for example, how rapidly the ice responds to rising temperatures – but overall, we are adding just a very large pile of existing knowledge, says the lead author of the new study, climate researcher Luke Rebuke from Rowan University, to

In the new study, the researchers examined ice cores from the Central and west greenland from the so-called ’guldlokzoner’. These are areas where it is warm enough that the snow melts in the summer, but not so hot that it runs away completely.

It means that the snow freezes again in the winter, and this ’refreezing’ to which some distinct horizontal bands in the ice cores, which can give the researchers an impression of the many years of klimahistorie. The thickness of each band can reveal, how much melt there has been year on year.

Here, scientists have figured out that the melting of the ice is accelerated, and the ice sheet is more sensitive in the day and melts faster in response to increases in global temperature than previously.

– We can see exactly how quickly Greenland’s ice is melting, and we can see that afsmeltningens speed exceeds the heating. It is a key concern for the future, when you think of Greenland’s contribution to global rise in sea levels, and that almost 40 percent of the global population today lives close to shorelines, says Luke Rebuke, and as a researcher in the earth’s ice caps and klimasystemer at the School of Earth and Environment at Rowan University in New Jersey, UNITED states.

– It is professionally frustrating to be able to see as clear evidence that it is the people who are responsible for climate change, while at the same time we see so little action on casino the basis of the knowledge, says Luke Rebuke.

despite the fact that the new study on Greenland’s ice sheet is not bringing revolutionary new on the climatic battle against the man himself, it is nevertheless an important contribution to the debate, says professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, who also works at the Centre of Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University.

– We have heard the message that it is getting warmer, and we therefore get more and more melting from Greenland. BUT it is true and must be repeated and repeated, until it is taken seriously.

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