TV One of the outstanding candidates in MTV’s’Ex on the Beach’ is Dutchman Brody (27). The man with the raised middle finger immediately provides for fireworks. He whom with roommate Lena, but once she begins to hope for more, he gets Angelica in the eye… With sounding ambras result.

“Yes, Lena was not happy,” says Brody this week in Tv Familie. “Our quarrel ran quickly out of hand and I ended up Lena’s stuff out of our room taken. I have also said things that I shouldn’t have to say it.”

do you Feel guilty?

When I put the images terugzie, then I find that I overly have. I had the else have to deal with. But I was in a drunken stupor. Someone Had said that I exaggerate, then I had maybe a little dim. But ’t is done, I can’t change it.

And then had to yóur exes are still on the island arrive…

Yes, this was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of drama.

You got afterwards also the full layer of the viewers.

I have to admit that I what to be underestimated. I have a lot of negative responses and have therefore recently also the comment-function on my social media off. I go often to Amsterdam, and there I am often recognized or addressed. Well, that is because of my tattoo’s.

And maybe also by you crue statements.

Yes, I have said things that I myself had kept. As in the introductory film. At that moment I realized not that my statements any such impact would have.

Do you regret your participation?

No, not at all. But ’t is best, confrontational at all now. I had some things else need to tackle. I wish that I myself a better side, but unfortunately…

How is your love life up to now expired?

I was destroying a few girlfriends, but ’t is not so that I of the one to the other girl fly. So I’m totally not.

‘Ex on the Beach’ was not an unqualified success. Maybe you can act in ‘Temptation Island’?

that’s really nothing for me. I would be a lot of drama can provide, but I’m not a good seducer. I have the patience for. (laughs) If I was a woman not immediately, then don’t. ‘Dancing With the Stars”, that I would do.

You’re mutva not reluctant to a mediacarrière?

I would like to find. They make me so but call. How rapper, the better. (chuckle)