Earlier this week released politinettverket ENFAST (European Network of Fugitive Active Search Teams) a nordic list of people who are clamoring for a variety of serious crimes.

the List contains the twelve men who the police believe is behind everything from the murder to the extensive economic crime, and who can stay in Sweden, Finland or Denmark. These are the people police need the public’s help to find the, when they have tried all other methods.

This is the most wanted men

the Uk is not on the list, Olof Fredriksson in the FAST group in Sweden seem is very a pity.

He is the police in the FIXED-group – in the national operations department, and can not be imaged in this case because he also works as a spaner.

Norway is an important country for us, and is the country we take the most Swedish wanted. It is clear that we lose many when Norway is not, he says to Dagbladet.

Fredriksson working with people that are clamoring for gross crime, such as murder, seksuallovbrudd and aggravated fraud.

– In this category we take around 15 people in the Uk annually. But it becomes even more if we take with less serious crimes.

He tells us that the at caught a man who was suspected for murder in Sweden in Oslo earlier this week. The man was not at the current etterlysningslista because they managed to locate him with politimetoder.

– Retreat

It was in 2016 that the nordic countries got together and started ENFAST to kralbet giriş work more closely together on etterlysningssaker. The reason was that they saw that many escaped to the neighbouring countries.

– We see that Norway is popular for swedes and vice versa. It is close, get border controls, easy to find work and not very different languages. The same with Denmark and Finland.

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Norway is in the ENFAST, but is, as the only countries in the network, not with in the list.

– We cooperate well with the Uk otherwise. But we fear that the people who are hiding for the police now see that Norway is not on the etterlysningslista and that more people will travel there. In addition, those who already hiding there, maybe continue with the crime. Norway choose to be a haven for wanted criminals, ” says Olofsson.

He is clear that the cooperation between the nordic countries works well, but that he thinks it is very a pity that Norway does not participate in the etterlysningskampanjen.

It is a pity when you think about what it can provide for the community, that criminals clamoring for the gross crime must atone for his actions.

– Didn’t be with

Ida Dahl Nilssen, head of communication in Kripos, emphasizes the opposite Dagbladet that these people already ettelyst via Interpol.

Norway is no safe haven for wanted criminals. We have a good cooperation, and has employed several of Kripos to work with eu people, and it pågripes regular people as a result of the cooperation with the other nordic countries, ” she says.

Nilssen explains that Kripos has not said no to be on the list, but that they didn’t get to take the assessment in time.

– We have simply not gone through what such a list will entail, and need more time to consider this. There may be legal issues, but it is also a consideration that must be taken along with the police as the owner etterlysningene, ” she explains.

May have helped to clear up the unresolved mysteries of the world. Krimkortene can end up in Norwegian prisons