NyheterFredspristagare: “World must act”Photo: Junge, Heiko/NTB/TTNobelpristagarna Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege at Sunday’s press conference at the nobel institute in Oslo.NEWS

Sexual violence as a weapon of war is the focus at the awarding of the Nobel peace prize in Oslo. The two laureates – the yazidiska activist Nadia Murad and the congolese doctor Denis Mukwege – hope that the attention helps to brutalitetens end of the year.

human rights Activist Nadia Murad from Iraq was captured by Islamic state (IS) in 2014. After three months of sexual violence and torture, she managed eventually to escape. Now devotes her time to working against sexual violence as a weapon of war and conflict – and the hope that the attention surrounding the Nobel peace prize can do that more perpetrators are brought to justice.

– So that we can finally find a solution and put a stop to what is going on, ” said the 25-year-old at a press conference in Oslo on Sunday, according to the AFP news agency.

Doctor Denis Mukwege from the democratic republic of the Congo is on the same track. Since the end of the 1990s, he runs the panzi hospital, where victims of sexual violence receive care.

By the Nobel peace prize it will be harder for the world to ignore the brutality of the sexual violence means, ” said the 63-year-old.

– Now no one can say that they did not know. Now everyone knows and, therefore, sahabet the international community has an obligation to act.

the Winners of the Nobel peace prize is appointed by the Norwegian nobel Committee. The award ceremony takes place at 13 on Monday in Oslo city hall in Norway.