Crime+ FÖLJPolisen: Explosions a way for young people to get into the gang NEWS

The teen who was severely wounded in the explosion in an apartment block during Sunday suspected of allmänfarlig destruction.

According to the polisområdeschef kralbet Mattias Sigfridsson can explosions be an entry ticket to the bunch.

– We see that young people want to climb in a criminal network by performing the acts of violence, ” he says.

At half past five on Sunday morning detonated an explosive device in an apartment block in the district of Söderkulla, Malmö, sweden. Accommodation in the house woke up with a jolt of the massive bang and rushed out of the smoke-filled stairwell.

In the stairs lay a young man with life-threatening injuries and was screaming for help.

the Man is now receiving medical treatment in hospital for their injuries. The police theory is that he would place an explosive device in the stairwell, but something went wrong. Instead to crystallise the charge on him.

– He is arrested but have not been able to be heard. We see that young people use – or want to climb in the networks by performing acts of violence, ” says Mattias Sigfridsson.

the Man who is born in 2000 and suspected of allmänfarlig destruction.

1 of 6 | Photo: Krister HanssonMattias Sigfridsson at the Malmöpolisens press conference.Included in the criminal network

– He was there to place out gaddafi. He is part of one of the criminal networks.

According to Mattias Sigfridsson is the explosion of a settlement in Malmö’s underworld. What exactly this event is all about he does not want to go into but says that it wont touch the battles on drugs, money or power.

The technical survey indicates a sharp explosive device.

– There is a detonation with the military blowing up. It is not hand grenades involved.

the Young man is known by the police since earlier. He is sentenced to youth care and has been wanted after having escaped from an institution.

Accommodation in the house was shocked after the incident. A woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells us that the blast was so strong that the paintings fell down from the walls and to her pendelklocka stopped.

”There was blood everywhere”

A accommodation describes the sight of the stairs as hair-raising.

– There was blood everywhere and it smelled of burnt meat. The man cried out for help. He also said, ”I’m Sorry. It became wrong. The health of my mother that I love her.”

Barely ten minutes after the explosion occurred, a further detonation. This time at a stairwell in the district of Kroksbäck. No one was injured in the explosion.

the Explosion was the sixth in just over a month in Malmö. Despite the calls Mattias Sigfridsson to the calm.

– It’s not that it affects anyone. Or is completely random but there are reasons. And it is still a very small risk if you are not involved in a gängkonflikt.

So the work of the police bombtekniker 00:40