NyheterÖFK-president prosecuted – risk fängelseFoto: Robert Henriksson/TTÖstersunds chairman Daniel Kindberg prosecuted for economic crime. Arkivbild.NEWS

Östersunds FK’s chairman Daniel Kindberg prosecuted for, among others, gross breach of trust and serious accounting fraud. Kindberg deny the crime.

“I assume that I will be acquitted”, he writes in a press release.

in Addition to Daniel Kindberg prosecuted two additional persons, which is stated in the document instituting the proceedings as a prosecutor at the serious fraud office in Umeå, sweden submitted to the district court in the day.

The suspects have for several years exhibited and approved the false invoices in the millions from the cheated companies Peab Facility, Östersundshem Exploitation and Fältjägaren AB, according to the indictment.

– As I see it, it is a solid investigation. Because we prosecute, we see that we can expect a conviction, ” says Peter Jonsson, prosecutor and deputy investigating authority at the serious fraud office, to TT.

False invoices

According to the writ kralbet giriş of summons has been one of the suspects drawn up invoices that included work that is not carried out and then sent these to the Peab. These have since been approved by one of the other suspects. In this way, has more than 11.8 million sek have been paid out incorrectly. In the later part has the false invoices vidarefakturerats between Peab and Östersundshem.

Swedish Tax agency has previously stated that more than 4.5 million paid to a non-profit organization through fake sponsorship. According to the indictment, the fake invoices also were sent from a non-profit organization to one of the suspects ‘ companies.

Denies crime

The suspects deny the crime at all points, and Daniel Kindberg writes in a press release through his lawyer to Olle Kullinger that the prosecution has been received with surprise.

“I assume that I will be acquitted”, he writes.

According to Olle Kullinger is based the investigation on a false claim – that it issued invoices that do not correspond to the work done.

– Once we have gone through the investigation, we believe that it is not sufficient when it comes to this claim. Our attitude is that all the invoices corresponding to the carried out work, ” he says.

Risking prison

This, says Kullinger, will become clear when the district court hears the case. However, it takes hard on his client, ” he says.

– It is obvious that it is a disappointment to the prosecution to prosecute when it believes itself to be innocent, ” says Olle Kullinger.

a non-profit organization writes on their website that Daniel Kindberg will continue to have break from his duties as chairman of the board.

About Daniel Kindberg convicted, he faces prison, then it is included in the tariffs for several of the crimes he is suspected. The prosecution, however, has no application sanctioned yet, in addition to the ban on commercial activities for Kindberg and the suspects should pay brottsvinsten to the state.