NyheterStatsvetaren: Svarte Petter in the hand of SFoto: Jessica Gow/TTStatsminister Stefan Löfven (S). Arkivbild.NEWS

Annie Lööf (C) has announced that her party will vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven (S) as prime minister after negotiations between the parties deadlocked. A decision is a political scientist Jenny Madestam think about is both sakpolitiska differences and a strategy for a possible additional choice.

– this will be a way to put the Black Peter in the hand of the Socialists, ” says Jenny Madestam, a political scientist at Södertörn university college, TT.

She believes that the Survivors in the next turn can press on that they have actually negotiated with the social democrats and tried to reach a solution in regeringsfrågan.

– Annie Lööf is quite adept at navigating in this suffocating situation that her party has fallen into, ” says Madestam.

– the Essence of this press conference was to paint up the Centre party as the responsible party that has tried.

Hopeful silence

The last time it has been the lid on around the negotiations from the centre party, the Liberals and the social Democrats ‘ direction. The silence has by many been interpreted as hopeful, perhaps, the negotiations have been moving in a positive direction. Today’s announcement was therefore somewhat surprising, according to Madestam.

– But on the other hand, it is not so surprising if you look at where the parties actually stand, sakpolitiskt and ideologically, ” she says.

Centre party went into the negotiations with a tough list of demands concerning, inter alia, the labour code and the rental market, and that the party would get through all of these requirements seemed a priori less likely.

– Therefore one can raise the question whether the Centre party has had a desire to find a solution, ” says Madestam.

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She says, however, that the issue of whether there existed a genuine förhandlingsvilja can be to both parties.

According to Madestam, it should now be interesting to see how the democrats react. May can S be prepared to compromise after the C’s notice. At the same time speaks the most to Stefan Löfvens chances to become prime minister now is small. Even if the Liberals would support an S-led government is no majority without the Centre party.

– Then must the president take the additional turn and the ball ends up, perhaps, once again, with Ulf Kristersson. It is quite incredible, ” says Jenny Madestam.