Samir Badran+ FÖLJSamir Badrans new hälsobesked after kollapsenNÖJE

Samir Badrans high tempo drove him into the wall a month ago.

Now begins the artist find their way back – and is ready to create music again.

” I shall, in all cases, the start writing a new song with Viktor on Thursday. It will be fat and nice, ” says Samir Badran on Instagram.

For a little over a month ago, Samir Badran , 28, about the collapse on his Instagram.

”I have stressed, partied, slept badly, pushed myself to the max, eating poorly, drinking a lot of alcohol and lived without any thought of health, during a great part of my life,” he wrote in a post, and noted that he suffered ”some type of ” burnout”.

”It spins in my head, my sight is deteriorating constantly, I have snow in my field of vision (search visual snow on youtube), I have started to have suicidal thoughts,” he continued.

He wrote then that he needed a month’s rest to get back on their feet again. Now, over a month later, gives Samir Badran a good news to fans via his Instagram story.

– I start to be on the mend now, I have been at home in four or six weeks, I don’t really know. Long in all cases. It feels good.

Writes a new song with Viktor Frisk

in Addition, he is planning new music with her helping, Viktor Frisk .

– I’ll in any case start to write a new song with Viktor on Thursday. It will be fat and nice, ” he says.

1 of 2 | Photo: Pontus OrreSamir Badran.

But then waiting more rest. Samir Badran go to Thailand then, he adds in the video.

Samir Badran also tells us that he goes to therapy and finally found a psychologist that he is comfortable with.

– The new, fat is funny, she gets shock when I tell them about my life. She is shocked, I see it in her, ” he says on his Instagram story.

Nöjesbladet have searched Samir Badran, through its agent, that allows the health of the artist needs to rest and is not ready to give interviews yet.

This is Samir & viktor’s greatest hits 00:34