The ‘green’ vans filled the whole of the year’s major european varebilsmesse in Hanover.

Here was both known and unknown producers troppet up to show what we can expect to see in the local varebilsforhandler in the coming year – and let it be said the same, there are not big chances that we will be allowed to run away in a dieseldreven model much longer.

It is not, however, mean that all of the exhibits vans had equal relevance as seen with the Danish håndværkerøjne.

Therefore, here’s a lynguide to three of the most significant innovations, Extra Leaf found during his visit at the fair.

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Maxus EV80

Photo: Mathias Gram
the Carmaker SAIC is perhaps unknown in Europe, but in China it becomes not bigger. Now the manufacturer has big plans for its new van, called the Maxus EV80, which is China’s answer to the wave of electric vans, which start to roll out on the roads in Europe.

the Manufacturer rates in the first place to get european leasing companies and large carriers to buy the car.

We already have agreements with, among others, IKEA, the Norwegian postal service and the German branch of LeasePlan. The car is however yet to come to Denmark.

Maxus EV80 stands out by not having the ESC, also known as electronic stability. It has otherwise been an EU requirement since 2011, but the chinese manufacturer can according to scurry around, because you expect to produce under 1000 copies of the car per year.

SAIC set the range to 200 kilometers of the Maxus EV80 and the payload of 950 pounds. Varebilen can supposedly charge the battery in two hours.

Volkswagen I. D. Cargo

Photo: Mathias Grams
Varebilsmessen in Hannover offered many concept cars, but few spoke as much to the emotions as the VW’s I. D. Cargo. There is talk of a reinterpretation of the classic folkevognsrugbrød.

This is actually the second time the design is shown above, but eventually it happened in personvognsudgaven I. D. Buzz. For comparison, the Cargo shifted the rear seats out with a regular load area, and the concept car was even decorated with a well-known Sortimo interior.

I. D. Cargo is based on Volkswagen’s new MEB-platform, to which a large number of the manufacturer’s upcoming electric cars will be built.

There is, however, a little time before we see the finished edition – Volkswagen has confirmed that it will follow after the I. D. of Buzz in 2022.

At the time, it will supposedly be able to cope with 330-550 miles on a charge, according to the new and more accurate WLTP-method. In the long term, it will also be possible to let the car drive itself.

Ford Transit hybrid and PHEV

Photo: Mathias Grams
Ford Transit series is the most sold of its kind in Europe, when you count all the members of the family.

There was, therefore, much is at stake for the american manufacturer, since the in Hanover lifted the veil for just the Transit future: In the middle of 2019, will be launched on the next generation, and here the Ford Transit be available in a so-called HEV-version with the hybrid engine.

Transit HEV should not be left up, but gather the nedbremsningsenergien in a battery of 48 volts and uses that to drive the motor. A solution, which, according to Ford, can reduce operating costs by eight percent.

the Transit Custom, which at home is a very popular håndværkervogn, comes at the same time as pluginhybrid. The opposite of his older brother in the outlet at the end of the day, but Ford is promising that it, in turn, can run 50 kilometres on pure electricity and has a range of 500 kilometers, when combined with a petrol engine.

the Prices of the two are more environmentally friendly alternatives are not yet published.