– At. 8.00.

– Closed consultations with the minister of health, minister of justice, minister of foreign affairs, secretary of defense, and license-acceptance of explanation of the considerations, justifications, reasons, perspectives, and potential consequences that may be associated with introducing a ban in Denmark against drengeomskæring, where there is no medical justification for this.

– Aliens – and Integrationsudvalgets, the Committee on legal affairs, Committee on foreign affairs and Kirkeudvalgets members are invited to participate.

How is it called in the agenda for the meeting on Friday in the Danish parliament’s health and ældreudvalg. And to the news agency Ritzau says the president, DFs Liselotte Blixt, that the debate – which comes from more than 35,000 danes has so far supported a borgerforslag, that will put an age limit on circumcision – the act on Denmark’s security:

– Which is spoken of in the corridors, that there may be some security risks, like Muhammedtegningerne. Therefore, we must have ministers, so we may be wiser, if there is teams in it, says the Liseblotte Blixt to Ritzau, who also has spoken with Naser Khader about the prospect of a crisis:

– There are 55 muslim countries in the world, who will protest. Israel will also protest.

– There are some who will think that it restricts the freedom of religion. There are many arguments for and many against, says Khader, but looking at the vote on an age limit as an interim 163.303 of Extra the Magazine’s readers have participated in, so should the politicians not be in doubt.

Should circumcision of children be banned? don’t Know what I should think No, it is something parents need to determine the Yes, you must be 18 years of age and even select the

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Should circumcision of children be banned? 8% No, it is something parents should determine 90% Yes, you must be 18 years of age and even choose the 2% Don’t know what to believe

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Borgerforslaget – which you can read and support here – have pt 36.633 support, and if it gets the support of yet 13.376 danes with NemID in d. 31. July, the proposal shall be treated in the Danish Parliament.

In Iceland, politicians from the five parties just proposed, that it should cost 6 years in prison to circumcise baby boys.

See also: the First country in the world: genital Mutilation of boys must give 6 years in prison