The international community has adopted in Marrakech, the UN-migration Pact officially. UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, had previously made again for the migration Pact.

At the start of the two-week conference in Marrakech, stretched, Guterres to those States that reject the Pact or, like Switzerland, their decision will have to be postponed.

In recent days had criticized several UN representatives such as the UN high Commissioner for human rights, Michelle Bachelet, or the UN special envoy Louise Arbour, Switzerland without you directly from the name to call for your Hesitation. So Arbour had said on Sunday that it was regrettable that a country that is the Pact for 18 months, with him now no longer directly support.

“Incorrect” assumptions

He could only hope that these countries “would recognize the value of the Covenant” for their own society and the joint efforts connecting said Guterres on Monday. He complained of “incorrect” assumptions about the migration Pact.

the contract is not binding, said Guterres. The Pact is not a free letter somewhere after the election to settle, but he strength of the sovereignty of the States. The most migration movements take place between southern countries.

Of the 258 million migrants moved to 80 per cent already in an “orderly and safe” manner, as Guterres. However, have died in almost 20 years, 60’000. This Guterres called it a “collective shame”. The migration Pact aims to improve the cooperation and to be a “Roadmap for the prevention of suffering and Chaos”. This should lead, according to the UN Secretary-General, that the migration policies of the various States are more likely to be “success” to be crowned.


The migration Pact was approved in July at the General Assembly of the United Nations, nor by almost all States, including Switzerland. Only the United States were already off. Meanwhile, the Pact in a number of countries is controversial, including Hungary, Poland, Austria, Australia, Italy, Bulgaria, Israel, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In Switzerland, the Federal Council is behind the Pact. But he has decided, in accordance with the input of several parliamentary Interventions, the outcome of the debates in Parliament to be seen. Switzerland remained, therefore, also of the conference in Marrakech.

Video – Swiss Parliament postpones the decision to the migration Pact The national Council has dealt with parliamentary Initiatives to the UN migration Pact. (Video: “SDA”) (ij/AFP)

Created: 10.12.2018, 10:29 PM