In the autumn session, the Parliament has decided on the control template with an additional AHV funding. The business combines a Reform of corporate taxes with an increase in the wage contributions to AHV by 0.3 percent. Four of the Committee from trade Unions, from the Romandie, the Green, the green, liberal and bourgeois parties in the Referendum have taken and collect signatures.

Higher payroll taxes increase the cost of the work. The control template is not the only business that leads to higher wage costs. In the next few years is to expect more charges of one to two percentage of Salary. In the longer term, much higher loads are still in the Form of VAT or wage contributions.

Since April, the social partners are working on behalf of Federal councillor Alain Berset at a Reform of the occupational Pension scheme. Given the longer life expectancy, the rate of Conversion of the accumulated capital on the expected life-years is distributed must be reduced. Thus the pensions were to be reduced according to calculations of the Federal government by about twelve percent. To prevent this from happening, they need an additional percentage of salary. It was not so far to the necessary posts to calculate, it is called unofficially, both the trade unions and the employers.

The demand can still appreciate: the failure of the “pensions 2020” the Parliament on the Basis of calculations of the Federal office for social insurance, the increase in the wage contributions by one percent for 35 – to 54-Year-olds, in order to maintain the level of pensions. A similarly large increase in contributions is likely to be the next start-up is necessary.

paternity leave costs

The popular initiative “For a reasonable paternity leave” calls for 20 paid time off days to all the fathers. This would cost 420 million Swiss francs per year, and an increase in the wage contributions of 0.11 percent. In Parliament, an indirect counter-proposal in work, which provides for two instead of four weeks paternity leave, which would increase the cost of the work only by 0.06%. A further variant of a 24-week parental leave would be, as the Federal Commission for women’s issues in the discussion. This would make 0.7 percent additional salary contributions necessary.


For projects such as AHV Reform and paternity leave, the wage will be in the future, deeper – is it worth it?

Yes, to make such improvements worthwhile.
no, less pay is not an Option.

Yes, for such improvements worthwhile.


no, less pay is not an Option.


720 votes

Yes, for such improvements worthwhile.


no, less pay is not an Option.


720 votes

In addition, the reconciliation of work and family care (“Care-leave is to be improved”), which pay costs in the amount of 220 million Swiss francs per year. The Federal Council sent the proposal in the consultation to say who should pay for it. Also in the works is a requirement to Fund adoptive parents-twelve weeks paid leave would cost, what, 200’000 Swiss francs per year.

more costs to the unemployment insurance. In the summer, the EU decided that in the future, not the state of residence but the country of employment is for the insurance charge. The decision still needs to be from the EU-Parliament approved. Switzerland is not forced to, without a framework agreement, legally, to accept the Amendment, but would risk conflict with the EU. How much is the cost of unemployment insurance, is unclear. Cornelia Lüthy, Deputy Director of the state Secretariat for Migration, estimated the cost more in the summer on a “higher three-digit million amount”. That would charge the wages by a further 0.2 per cent.

cantons have plans

These cost increases come from the Federal level. However, the cantons have Great: So that they remain for company tax purposes attractive, try to reduce their company tax rates to a competitive level. In the Canton of Basel-city will be voted on in February and a corresponding template. In order to make the tax cut a majority, provided for an increase in the family allowance of 75 francs. According to the compensation Fund of Basel-Stadt means the additional labour costs of around 70 million Swiss francs. This corresponds to a half-pay percentage. Similarly, the Canton of Vaud in its corporate tax reform two years ago. Since the rejection of the tax reform in the Canton of Bern, two weeks ago, say even the Civic, an increase in the family allowances, or the premium subsidies. The Canton of Zurich provides for its submission at the Moment, no such. The trade unions threaten with the Referendum.

In the summer, Federal councillor Alain Berset and pushed a new Reform of the AHV. The social work has been in the last few years, in the wrong location. The pure PAYG system, so what is to Deposit the active population in the AHV and the pensioners is distributed, writes are already a billion franc loss per month. Bersets template provides for up to the year 2030, an additional 1.5 percent sales tax. The money is especially needed because of the proposal of the SP-Federal Council spends more than half of the savings from the increase in the retirement age of women in the improvement of early pensions. In order to stabilize the AHV until 2035, again, 1.5 percent of the VAT is necessary. The burden would thus increase to over ten percent.

reforms of the IV

In the case of invalidity insurance, there is still a structural deficit. She is also in debt after a period of ten years of applicable sales tax increase of 0.4 percent to 10.3 billion Swiss francs to the AHV compensation Fund. Five years ago, years a Reform has failed on the output side to SP, Green, and CVP. The national Council advises in the spring session the next Revision. It provides no more revenue, this is the time of full discharge was postponed for eight years to 2031. Unofficially, it is of a still later date. The template expects a deep number of Neurenten and a high increase in both the number and the wages and wage contributions for the IV These assumptions are based on a high level of immigration.

achieve the deleveraging of the IV and at the latest by 2030, would decide the Parliament, austerity measures or additional financing of around 0.3 per cent of additional value-added tax or percentage of salary set UPS. Only roughly known, the cost of long-term care and who should Finance these are currently. The health Observatory, the Federal government projected that in 2016, with an additional nine billion Swiss francs, which is likely to take on to the cantons. The today well-known additional wage contributions and value-added taxes could be only the beginning.

The trade Union Federation wanted to comment on the request. For the employers ‘ Association, the plans of the policy to mean an “enormous additional burden for the employer, but also for the workers,” says spokesman Fredy Greuter. The individual steps were small, “but in sum, they are not acceptable and will lead to sensitive losses in the wallet”.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 09.12.2018, 18:26 PM