The giant hotel chain Marriott has discovered a hole in security, which means that up to 500 million guests may have been stolen personal information.

It writes multiple media, including CNN.

According to the Marriott is the reservationsdatabasen for the subdivision Starwood, which has been the target of attacks.

An internal investigation has demonstrated that a hacker has had access to the database ago 2014.

– the Company discovered recently that an unauthorized party had copied and encrypted information, and we took steps to remove it, says the Marriott in a message.

According to the Marriott is it for 327 million guests on their names, telephone numbers, email addresses, passports no, dates of birth and information on arrival and departure. For millions of other people, is their credit card information potentially stolen.

the Company even states that they can not guarantee that the hackers haven’t been able to decrypt the credit card details.

Staewood department of the Marriott had in 2014, in total of 1,200 hotels, with over 180.000 employees in total.

the Starwood-chain was, in itself, one of the world’s largest chains, before it was acquired by Marriott in 2016.

In Denmark, belongs the Nobis Hotel Copenhagen under the Design Hotels, which is a brand under Starwood.