NyheterC vote no to LöfvenFoto: Claudio Bresciani / TTCenterpartiet intend to vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven in the upcoming statsministeromröstningen.Photo: Stina Stjernkvist / TTCenterledaren Annie Lööf.Photo: Jessica Gow/TTStefan Löfven reports on the process of government formation talks. Arkivbild.NEWS

the Centre party will vote no to S-leader Stefan Löfven as prime minister.

Parties to get a few days of reflection and it is unclear when the statsministeromröstningen. Video: will just comment on the situation at a press conference.

Negotiations between the social democrats and the Centre party on intergovernmental cooperation has failed.

– Unfortunately I must say that the results do not hold for a cooperation, says the C-leader Annie Lööf.

Therefore, the Centre party to vote against Löfven as prime minister in the vote that the speaker of parliament Andrew Norlén announced. Thus will the Leaves be voted down if M, KD and SD hold on to their previous notice.

Stefan Löfven has called for press conference at 13.30 to comment on the news.

Time unclear

however, It is still unclear when the statsministeromröstningen to happen.

the President said in a press release that he gives the parties the opportunity a couple of days to consider the meaning of The information.

In the meantime, But to keep the informal conversations with various party leaders. It looks, thus, not look as if statsministeromröstningen can be held this week.

Even the Liberals have negotiated intergovernmental cooperation with S. the Party has however not taken any decision on how to vote in the statsministeromröstningen.

“the Liberals’ discussions on a mittensamarbete continues,” writes the L-leader Jan Björklund in a comment to the TT.

L tomorrow afternoon, keep an partiråd on the outcome of the negotiations.

significant differences

Centerledaren Annie Lööf blaming the failure of negotiations on the S.

– We have achieved progress in in some sakpolitiska questions, but there are still too large differences to C to help to release Stefan Löfven as prime minister, ” she says.

According to Lööf is the social Democrats ‘ promises vague and imprecise. S has, according to her, wanted to bury many Centerkrav in investigations or shoot issues in the future.

the Party has in particular called for reforms in the labour market and in the housing market.

Loof claims that’s not at all have wanted to go C to the meeting when it comes to a more flexible labour legislation, and inträdesjobb, especially for newcomers with lower starting salaries.

Genuinely disappointed

C have also called for a reform of the unemployment fund in the style of the Danish flexicurity model.

In the housing market wanted to C see free rents for newly constructed apartments and an opportunity for existing tenants to the landlord to negotiate away rent control against a remuneration.

– I thought that there was really a greater insight of S in these areas, ” says Lööf.

According to her, was not C nor adequate hearing for their tax bill. The party would like to see an “ambitious” green tax reform, lower marginal tax rates, reduced entreprenörsskatter and the reduction of employer’s social security contributions.

– I am genuinely disappointed that S did not take this historic chance in the cooperation of blockgränsen, ” says Lööf.

all Done

Loof also claim that’s listened too much on the Left.

– It is problematic when the left party list of requirements is fulfilled, but not the Centre, ” she says.

Centerledaren claims that she has done all she can and exhaust all possibilities to get to a government.

– Now must the other parties, not least the two big, S, and M, to take responsibility for Sweden to get a new government.

Centre party also announces that it will abstain on the budget being passed on Wednesday, when the government’s transitional budget is set against the Conservatives and christian democrat budget proposal.

It may mean that the proposal from M and KD, including tax cuts 2019 win.

Kristersson: Important notice

the Conservatives party leader Ulf Kristersson said in a written comment to the TT that the news is important.

”the social democrats have not the desire and the ability to meet the requirements of the reforms that the Centre party have set. It is an important detail and shows that the conservative policy is best run by a bourgeois government,” he says.

He writes that C has lift in sakpolitiken seriously and that it is valuable for the process.

“Now, this goes back to the president. We conservatives have, throughout this process has been willing to take responsibility for Sweden and present the political issues and the budget needed. Our proposal is on the table and I’m willing to discuss possible ways forward.” writes Kristersson.

Also christian democrat party leader Ebba Busch Thor is happy over the announcement from C.

“I welcome the news that the Centre party will say no to a social democratic led government. The christian democrats want a government that pursues the policy on the basis of the Alliance’s reform agenda. The possibilities for it have increased with today’s announcement,” she writes on Twitter.

the Liberals ‘ final decision on how to vote will only after partirådet held on Tuesday. If L would vote in favour of the government’s transitional budget, it could win.