With affected acting, verhärmtem glance, the mother had the photo of your on 15. October of last year, “missing” 12-year-old daughter held the camera together with her sad looking companion of life. Her appeal went to all of them: The daughter should return any kidnapper insight show, the Public might give clues.

But it was all a lie. 18. March of this year, the police discovered the now 13-year-old Franziska in the parental home in Large schack village near Cottbus. As of Tuesday, her mother and their life to a companion in front of the Cottbus regional court to answer to. The public Prosecutor accusing them of “severe sexual abuse of a child and deprivation of a minor, prior-year”.

girls want sexually by the accused abused

you should not have kept the girl who lived before the deeds already for several years in a children’s institution, in their apartment, hiding, and in the case of multiple official checks, to know the whereabouts of Franziska. This should you have even assigned a letter, in which Franziska tells supposedly that you are up to your 18. Birthday no longer hides wool to keep, to have in a home. 15. October 2017 was not returned from a visit to the doctor in the child-care facility.

should Actually have stopped the girl from this time, without the possibility to contact other people in the apartment of the mother and of the defendants sexually abused.

daily mirror people


to order Twice, had the authorities resorted to at an early stage the information provided by the parents doubted, and the apartment, but found nothing. Only in the case of a third, this time, apparently unannounced, so-called Search operation, it was discovered the child. The then 52-year-old mother and her 46-year-old life partner were initially arrested, the mother came later. Compared to a tabloid, she had confirmed the allegations, practical, and claimed that the sexual acts with the 12-year-old child “were in agreement”. The life of the mother, who sat due to a drug serious Crime is already in prison, the fellow is still in prison.

The fact is reminiscent of the case of Natascha Kampusch

The court has set for the process, several hearing days until March 2019. You can expect a lot of media attention – also because the fact is compared by some with the case of the Austrian Natascha Kampusch, who at the age of ten years, kidnapped, and more than eight years in the house of a communication technician in the vicinity of Vienna, was imprisoned.

still Unclear is whether the process for reasons of protection of Victims is at least partially recycled to the exclusion of the Public. During the investigation Details of the alleged sexual abuse were of the Prosecutor’s office of Cottbus held back to protect Franziska. “The possibility of a partial exclusion of the Public is, in any case,” said a spokeswoman for the Prosecutor’s office on Sunday, the daily mirror. Safe, a public hearing of the Accusation of “deprivation of a minor, however, was years of age”.

mother lived with her daughters in Berlin

Frances ‘ mother had according to the media, the concern reports for more than nine years for Franziska and their younger sister, deprived of get. At the time, it will have many difficulties in living in Berlin in a socially weak family, given, among other things, the actual kid got suffered a father, a massive alcohol problem. The girls came in a Berlin children’s home.

After her mother was raised against the maintainers serious allegations, they came into the home to Cottbus and were the weekends in the meanwhile, in Large schack village living, mother spend. It should be in the opinion of the public Prosecutor, the accused, already in may 2017, i.e. five months before the Disappearance of Franziska, sexual abuse. At least, if not in several cases. May the mother and her life companion in court a confession. For both a psychiatric opinion should be given in order.

More about

13-year-old Franziska from Cottbus Missing girl back – but the case is still not solved

Sandra Dassler

parents or step-parents abuse their own children, again and again. In rare cases where you will be in front of the police and the youth welfare office are hidden. The mothers or fathers who are in the custody dispute is more likely to do.