Heat & energy+ FÖLJ10 way to heat your house technology

Curious to try something other than electricity to heat your house.

We lists the ten different options – how they work and the approximate cost.

1. The geothermal heat pump

how it works : the Geothermal heat pump takes advantage of the sun’s energy stored in the bedrock.

drilling a hole in the ground, and thereby takes up the stored energy. Advantages are that geothermal heating is environmentally friendly, long-term and maintenance-free. Disadvantages are that it requires electricity.

Bergvärmepumpen requires approximately one-third the electricity to work.

Cost: Trenching, drilling energibrunn and installation of geothermal heat pump cost 80 000-180 000 sek.

2. Electric heating

how it works: With electric heating uses the same electricity as in lights and other appliances in the home. You use the elements with a contact which is inserted in the wall. The advantages are low investment cost and low workload. A disadvantage is that the electricity can be expensive.

Cost: Depending on how much electricity you need/use.

3. Solar water heater

how it works: A solar panel receives the sunlight and converts the energy in solar radiation into heat. Through the solar water heater circulates water that is heated up by the sun. Heat is transferred directly or through the heat exchanger to a heating system. There are different kinds of solar collectors, and, the most common is the flat plate solar collector.

Cost: Solar panels cost from 2 000 to 5 000 euros per sq m depending on the type. A complete system with solar collectors and water heaters will cost from 25 000 to 50 000

the Sun costs nothing to take advantage.

4. Cells

how it works: A solar cell converts the solar energy into electricity. The advantages are that solar cells are environmentally friendly, but solar cells is usually enough to provide electricity and heat to the whole house.

the Sun is free!

Cost: Photovoltaic panels to ten square meters going at 40 000-60 000 sek (Provides approximately: approximately 1 000 kWh of electricity per year)

5. Pinwheel

how it works: You can install your own windmill for home use that generates electricity and heat. The windmill can cook the energy in a battery which can be good in a vacation home that is not connected to the mains. You should measure the wind conditions prior to installation. The downside is that neighbours may think that the windmill is distracting and noisy.

Cost: The smaller wind turbines currently costs around 25 000 sek and can provide electricity for 5 000 kilowatt-hours in one year.

6. Pellet burner

how it works: Pellets works similar as wood burning, but the pellets are three times as efficiently, which means less jobs. You install a pellet burner, but you can also use your old oil boiler. Advantages are that it does not require electricity, the disadvantage is that there is a lot of work and pelletsförrådet requires space.

Cost: A new burner costs around 50 000 sek. For a normalstorvilla costs of pellets of approximately 10 000 sek per year.

7. Ground heating the

how it works: You put down a hose under the ground on your plot. The hose goes to a heat pump in the house. With ground heating, you take advantage of the heat which is found just under the ground.

the Advantage is that this is cheaper than the geothermal heat pump. The disadvantage is that it requires space and that you have a large plot of land.

Cost: To dig down the hoses go on up to sek 35 000. A heat pump will cost 100 000 sek.

8. Air and vattenvärmepump

how it works: With a heat pump, take advantage of the air outdoors. The device sucks in the air outside and heats it up. When the air is warm is sent into the dwelling.

Advantages are that the method is environmentally friendly and easy to install. The disadvantage is that it requires electricity and that the device can be noisy.

Cost: Electricity costs around 5 000-8 000 sek for a normalvilla.

Then there is the installation and purchase of heat pump.

9. Wood burning

how it works: It is required that you install a wood boiler in the home. The heat generated rises and heats up the water that is available in vedpannan. The hot water is pumped out in the elements in the houses and heats up the rooms. Advantages are that it is inexpensive and a self-contained system. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of work. Requires that you have a chimney.

Cost: Depending on what sort of stove you put in, it costs from 5 000 for a stove up to 40 000 for a wood boiler.

10. District heating

how it works: District heating is not available to use for all households. The method is environmentally friendly and go out of the house is connected to a district heating network and installing a heat exchanger. The heat is transported from a central heating plant to house through the pipes.

Cost: To install a heat exchanger costing around 35 000 sek To get heat to the house costs about 10 000 sek per year. To connect to the heating system costs between 10 000 and 30 000 sek.

✓Source:Energifakta.now, Wikipedia.see, byggahus.see