the Rapper Lil Pump has on Tuesday been arrested in Copenhagen.

This writes the american media TMZ.

Copenhagen Police confirms to Ekstra Bladet that Lil Pump briefly have been arrested.

a video that TMZ is in possession of, one sees first a recording from the back of a personnel carrier, where the Danish uniformed cops sitting in front of. Subsequently, on the video, it seems that the rapper standing by the side of a Danish policeman and empties his pockets at a police station.

the Extra Leaf has submitted the video to the vagtchef Henrik Svejstrup by the Copenhagen Police.

– Now he has even put the video up on the web. And we can confirm that he is, briefly has been arrested in the course of today, ” says Henrik Svejstrup for Extra Magazine.

Henrik Svejstrup do not want to tell what the Lil Pump should be arrested for.

the rap-star was released soon after.

According to TMZ, it is unclear exactly why the rapper was arrested, but after the arrest, he had according to the media have given a cop the finger behind the small town back.

It is not something Police can confirm or deny this.

The american rapper gave the Monday evening concert at Store Vega.

He was scheduled to have played in Finland on Tuesday evening, but the concert has been cancelled due to ‘unforeseen events’. It writes the arranger Live Nation.

It’s just three months ago, the rapper was arrested in Miami, and earlier in the year, he was also arrested for firing a gun out of the door from his home in Los Angeles.

Lil Pump is 18 years old and goes by the civil name Gazzy Garcia.