4 months hurrah, you know it’s not the baby years the most anticipated step.Four-month-old baby will want to already grasp the objects and interest in the surrounding world. COLIN MAYNARD/UNSPLASH

Four months of age the baby begins to increasingly interested in their environment and learn new skills. Nelikuinen the baby to pay more attention around him to hear voices and he can be difficult to focus on eating, which is why during the day the resulting amount of milk can stay low and backfire more dense than kids and restless sleep. This step is called “four months hulinoi”.

Stage can be particularly challenging especially for breastfeeding purposes. In particular, if the phase quickly becomes three months of age schedule a high density of suction through after, it is no wonder if a nursing mother feels insecure her milk supply. Many breastfeeding journey even disconnected prematurely for this uncertainty.

the Good news is that razzmatazz stage is completely normal, the baby and the baby of the family life of the change of time, which tells that the baby is growing and developing. The same cannot, however, discount the fact that fatigue would be the parents of real and heavy struggle. Here are a few baby supplies and ways that you can try to help your baby sleep better.

1. Try machine sounds

Some babies to help soothe dreams for the so-called. white noise, which can be found as well as cell phone apps that, for example, from Youtube. The analog way is to put in the room of the usual radio call to quiet the noise that is heard when the frequency is set to two-channel between.

2. Darken the room

Especially again during the spring and summer should ensure that the bedroom stays also in the early hours sufficiently hämäränä. Of the market to find a suitable blackout curtain designs in every window.

3. Activate the daytime

Give the child the examination of safe toys and objects and spend common nursery rhymes and song sessions between naps. However, do not succumb to pinch to the baby’s afternoon nap from sikeämmin night’s sleep in the hope it might have the opposite effect.

4. Calm down in the evening

even small babies love it, that they can anticipate events, therefore, the routine seemed to calm the night. In particular, the evening routine is important and helps children to sleep better. Include hulinoivat the baby’s evening routine financial ways such as a warm bath atmospherically lit in the bathroom and a baby massage session on the treatment table in pajamas when.

5. Comfortable pukimet

Observe, that the baby stays in at night to a comfortable temperature – that he is cold or not very hot. Swaddling can soothe some babies. Wearable unipussi help, if the baby has a habit of kicking in his sleep blanket off and then wake cold.

6. Give yourself grace

it’s okay to count the baby between, for example, sitteriin or play on the carpet, so the parent can rest your hands and get coffee, even if the child expression to be discontent.

Source: Motherly

Story originally published in march 2018.

ALICE BAY liisa.lahti@iltalehti.fi