Steam attracted attention in the near environment, but the cause of the fire rather than the hot water.The Finlandia house, the water damage was carried out Monday several rescue units of force.

the district heating pipe breakage has caused the flood of the Finlandia-house in the basement in Helsinki. Water get from the basements of more than 100 000 liters.

the Rescue department was informed of the accident bend. First Käpylä rescue service had received the automatic alarm from the clock 11.19, but the alarm did not reveal apparent reason. Only half an hour later, at 11: 51 am, the first rescue unit received information of water damage.

outside the Building is to make a trench and in that context, is accidentally damaged, the district heating pipes, tell the on duty fire chief Ville Estlander .

emergency Rescue to get on scene to the basement to take the water out of my hot, allowing the scene to send a separate hot water pump.

the Fire chief went to check that it is actually water damage. Then begins to reveal that water is really a lot, Estlander said.

the moment the water didn’t have time to spread to the public space and so far, for example, the power may have been to keep building on.

clear the action goes to a huge amount of water due to several hours. Only after that can be made more comprehensive assessment of potential damages and their induced measures.

rescue units cleared the Finlandia-house alarm multi-unit power. Petri Anikari