Sometimes life will surprise you. One relationship ending can lead to new friendships would be created – if the ex-boyfriend’s taste in women is right. Mostphotos

do you think that your ex-partner’s new spouse’s anger in for no reason doesn’t make any sense?

Good, so are we.

If the pattern is children, they get new credit for adults. Own parenting-related concerns to discuss with several people. Responsibility can be divided onto several people. Everybody wins.

When adults feel that they have each other’s support, their is also easier to hold on to the child set the rules, the federation says.

in Order to stepfamily pattern would go to roll smoothly, however, we need composure.

”the New spouse can not be directly started giving them to another child or jump in the authority role,” the federation reminded.

blended families movie requires a certain kind of character. Ex new partner must be able to accept the child’s presence in his life. The child, who at the same time remind you of your beloved past with another.

All this is not easy, population association pointed out:

”the nuclear family in a relationship is the opportunity to maintain the fantasy that your spouse is second life the only love. Stepfamilies this fantasy is not and the past and the kids always go with. That’s why blended families have to put up with outside of the feelings of the nuclear family more.”

If people has learned in childhood or in other relations to stand outside the emotions, he is not likely to experience them harmful disturbing.

no need to be super human, in order to get you ex, ex nyksän and with children can be to roll. This is also proven by the following two readers report their own experiences.

”I Trust more in his knowledge,”

my Ex nyksä is a great guy! He is a life a positive and cheerful personality. Can kiukuttelevia our children and care for them as their own.

the early stages I have more confidence in his supervisors eyes, and competencies as the children’s father, who wasn’t in our marriage had been very little everyday life to run.

He has honed also eksxäni sharp tongue and got him to understand things from others point of view. I couldn’t do it. Really are to each other perfect!

”Much rather agreed with her children’s matters”

I divorced the father of my children from seven years ago. He has enough relationships during this time, and I haven’t had time to explore other than the current.

I Am glad that he is in the picture. He is safe for an adult to my kids and treat my kids as their own. Much rather agreed with him children of the father of the turn.

He is also the one, who do I call if comes child something sorrow. Between eksään are mainly factual, the difference was not easy, as there is no eksäkään, that is why it is invaluable that there, too, the house is again also it the voice of reason.

Tell me about your experience!