DebattÅSIKTSluta killgissa and take your responsibility, HoraceÖppet letter to akademiledamoten: Here are a few things you need to know This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: TTNär we met almost 20 years ago I was impressed with your intellect and eloquence. Today I have completely opposite feelings, writes Camilla Wagner, CEO, Clear K in an open letter to Horace Engdahl.DEBATE


my Dear Horace!
I have waited a long time, but now I feel compelled – out of pure compassion for others – to make contact. Once a long time ago, actually at the beginning of the millennium, we met in an informal context. You had not been in the position of permanent secretary for very long, and I was deeply impressed.

But how it was with the thing have your gloria faded considerably since then. And I am so amazed at how far you have been from the actuality in your statements in the past year. Is your bromance such a strong momentum? Or are you just so extremely ignorant in the issues of human rights, gender and patriarchal structures?

Honestly, I’m confused. When we met almost 20 years ago I was impressed with your intellect and eloquence. Today I have completely opposite feelings. How can you be, forgive a simple expression, so stupid?

When you claim that Sara Danius been the worst ever on record, I wonder what yardstick you used

Let me highlight some of your milestones along the downward spiral.
When you claim to Sara Danius , the first woman in the post of permanent secretary, been the worst ever on record, I wonder what yardstick you use?

do you Mean that she was worse than Nils von Rosenstein, the very first on the record? He was 38 years old and was senile at the end. Do you mean that she was worse than your predecessor, Sture Allén? He actually received a letter about the abuse your friend kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault was guilty of, but who chose the brotherhood in front of the book of the law.

do you Mean worse than you, that saw and was instructed by the court to ensure that the crown princess fredades, but still felt that Arnault was the world’s best allies to the institution, her father is the chief patron of?

Sara Danius who actually showed leadership and showed that man is not above the law in order to rub elbows in the Swedish Academy status, is therefore worse than all the others? Sorry, but we assess competence in the heeeelt different ways.

And then there was the issue of vivör-life was illegal or not. Apparently it was there. What do you say to women now? Those who according to Swedish law, has become desecrated in a way that you dismissed as a non illegal vivör-action. Something that women have to put up with.

See you at all to your comment, that you spread in the Swedish Radio P1, was a further abuse of the women who sought justice?

And now there came, probably in the history will be described as the last straw, when you would explain why today there is only one woman left in the Swedish Academy. Thus, as many as it did on Selma Lagerlöf’s time, when only a year ago, there were seven.
”I don’t know if men are better suited to sit in this type of wards or to better tolerate the kind of stresses and strains that arise when the power struggle rages.”
No, you know, obviously not. You killgissar. Instead of seeing your own responsibility and your own role in the whole spectacle, so gives you in the female dna set. It is now I feel that I have information you may need.

Research shows that there are only three characteristics which distinguish the group of men from the group of the women more than what separates individuals from each group:

Men exercise more violence than women (and then exercising 95% of the population never violence).

Men have more muscle mass and can thus, for example, throw a ball further than women.

And finally, men masturbate more than women.

Which of these characteristics are you referring to when you say that men are more suited to sit in the Swedish Academy than women? Or no. Don’t tell me. We would probably not hear.

Camilla Wagner , ceo, Clear K