5. October, it became known that the young iraqi woman Nadia Murad Basee Taha (25), and the congolese doctor Denis Mukwege (63) are the winners of this year’s Nobel peace prize.

the Former was taken captive by the terrorist group IS in august 2014 along with 150 other women from the home, Kocho. After three months of repeated rapes each day, she managed to escape from the ICE’ sexslaveri.

WINNERS: The young irakeren Nadia Murad Basee Taha and the congolese doctor Denis Mukwege, this year’s prize laureates. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

It was not easy for me to tell about what I have been subjected, like the other women in the middle East, to tell about what it was like to be a sexslave, Nadia stated to NRK.

the 25-year-old has further told the channel that she hopes the award will give a voice and bring justice for all women who have been victims of sexual violence, both in Iraq and in the world. Award means to her that their voices are heard.

THE PLACE: Amal is one of the specially invited who get to attend fredsprisseremonien Monday. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

Monday find fredsprisseremonien place in the Oslo city hall. There holding the laureates each his nobel lecture for invited guests, and present in the audience, among other menneskerettighetsadvokaten Amal Clooney (40), who is married to actor George Clooney (57).

Amal has worked closely together with the nobel laureate with the goal of bringing members of the ICE to the court for their crimes against Yezidi women.

WORKING TOGETHER: nobel laureate and menneskerettsadvokaten have worked together the last few years. Here are the duo pictured in the headquarters of the united nations in 2016. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

the Duo want to remind the world of the organized killings of the Yezidi people, and their goal is to keep ICE accountable in an international court.

– instead of writing about bodies in mass graves, writing the media about the body of a female lawyer

She feels the pain of what happened with the other women in her society as if it were her own. She manages not to go ahead with his own life while there still is 32000 women and children who are held in captivity, has Clooney previously spoken to Vogue about why she wanted to support Nadias case.


present during The ceremony will also crown princess Mette-Marit (45). She stood on the advance not enrolled in kongehusets calendar, but just before the royal guests arrived at the town hall was kronprinsessen etteranmeldt.

APPEARED in: crown princess Mette-Marit is in place together with crown prince Haakon, queen Sonja and king Harald. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

– because of his lung disease must Mette-Marit see an shape from day to day. Rather than have to disappoint some people to sign cuts she becomes rather etteranmeldt at events, ” says See and Hørs kongehusekspert, Anders Johan Stavseng, about kronprinsessens sudden no-show.

It has happened several times the last time. Last under 100 years to Hans Børli at det norske teatret, where Haakon was listed in lonely majesty.

PREGNANT: Menneskerettighetsadvokat Amal Clooney spoke at the united nations, and urged world leaders to not let ICE get away with genocide. Yet there was something else she got attention in the media. Video: UNTV Show more

It was in October, it was known that the kronprinsessen had been proven the disease chronic pulmonary fibrosis. The time wrote the royal family in a press release that syksommen in periods would be able to limit the exercise of her official program.

War, motekontrovers and “trophy husband”: So reached Amal Clooney top