Masdunas project, they call it, and the government of Gran Canaria has decided to invest over 11 million in it, writes the Swedish Expressen, citing Canaria, Noticias.

What the project is about? Yes, it’s about to move on the sand to replace the 40 000 kubikkmeterne with sand that, according to the scientists disappearing from the island each year.

MASPALOMAS: The famous sand dunes of Maspalomas are protected. But now retrieved there is still sand from here. Photo: Shutterstock / NTB Scanpix Show more

At the world-famous beach Maspalomas, Playa del Inglés is a part of lost a lot of sand every year, and now the national authorities will initiate a project which ensures that there is enough sand to preserve both the well-known sand dunes and the wildlife that live there. This shall be done by moving 60 000 cubic metres of sand.

Followed closely Slangealarm on Gran Canaria

the Project is unique in its kind, and according to local Spanish media followed the tense of the authorities in areas with similar problems, as in the united Kingdom, Mexico and Australia.

In just over a month is 7000 cubic metres have already moved from Punta de la Bajeta to Playa del Inglés, writing Canaria, Noticias.

in Order not to interfere with tourism too much, where the beaches often is the hidden gem for the visitors, carried out the project at a leisurely pace, and the entire move will take two years. The relocation of the sand is done at night, and the work intensifies when the tourist-traffikken is low.

Plants and trees

It is also decided to plant 350 new trees of a type that picks up the sand in the roots and it will also be deployed machines in the desert-areas that capture sand that would otherwise be blown out to sea, writes The Canary News.

the Project is to set up a separate website where everyone can follow the work: This is however not operational yet.

Gran Canaria is also household very feriefavoritt in the winter.

Now also consider the Canary islands to introduce tourist tax