Sorry, but not sorry.

It is in English probably the best way to describe the apology, that the owners of more than 2000 webshops now get from the royal Powerhosting.

23.59 Thursday was a cable, which Powerhostings traffic goes through, dug over. And only this morning after at 10 o’clock was the traffic at each of the affected shopping on the web, which is dependent on Powerhosting, normal again.

– We take the ball (with the ad, ed.).

It was hard. But the world goes on, says the company’s director Dennis Trabjerg on the ad, he Friday took out on

Consumption – 23. nov. 2018 – at. 11:12 After the disaster-startup: Black Friday-shops are running again

In the ad, he explains that it is a very extraordinary situation, as both the customers and the Powerhosting were exposed to:

‘It couldn’t have hit at a worse time,’ he admits, among other things in the ad.

And many customers have also responded on the matter, he explains, on the Friday afternoon to Ekstra Bladet.

– of course It is harsh and has not been fun for the customers.

– There are many of them who have lost money?

– Yes, there are many customers who say. And it is brandærgerligt for them.

Consumption – 23. nov. 2018 – at. 09:05 Webshops totally in the black on Black Friday: – We lose millions

– An apology is fine, but how are they hit the shops now erstatningsmæssigt?

– The issue is subject to our terms and conditions. And they are reasonably clear about that, unfortunately there is nothing to come after.

– We have made it as well as we could. But the talent put forth, unfortunately, not quite. It we regret of course. Now customers just have to get some goods over the counter the rest of the day, says Dennis Trabjerg for the Extra Magazine.

Dennis Trabjerg promise, however, both in its own advertisement and in the interview with Ekstra Bladet, Powerhosting now will ensure that such a serious error is not repeated. The case can be solved better, than it happened.

– the Next time we are not dependent on our supplier to remedy an error for us.

– So in the future we can resolve an acute crash itself.

See also: Danes to the Black Friday: See what we have bought

Documentation: The writing Powerhosting on the case

On the day where nothing should go wrong, it went completely wrong. A fiber cable was dug over, and Black Friday went – literally – in black, as over 2,000 webshops went down. But with sky-high pulse, and red hot phones were fought in the backdrop of the danes might again be a shopping spree.

“I would like to give a completely unreserved apology to the shops, if the websites were down on the year’s biggest shoppingdag,” says Dennis Trabjerg, who is the director of Powerhosting.

“There is no one who is more bored of this than we are. I am sorry,” he elaborates.

Powerhosting has over 2,000 customers with the online stores, which went in the black on the year’s biggest shoppingdag, and it happened due to a roadworks in the Position of Skanderborg, where a fiber cable with Powerhostings datacenterleverandør was dug over. The error was discovered at 23:59 on Thursday night – time, where thousands of shoppelystne danes sat ready in front of the screen with dankortet in the hand.

When a cable is dug over, lose an online shop its connection with the outside world. It is called downtime, and in the course of a year, Powerhosting a downtime of between 0.01 and 0.05 per cent. It is similar to to a online shop is unavailable in quite a few hours in the course of a year.

“It is quite extraordinary, and it could not have hit at a worse time – after all, it is Black Friday, and people were sitting ready at the keyboard to shop the deals,” says Dennis Trabjerg.

In the earlier hours of the morning on Black Friday, it became clear, however, that there was not time to wait until the cable was fixed.

“Since it is clear that the work on the broken cable pulls out, we put everything into getting the fault rectified. The phones are red-hot, and there must be fast, so we go in problemløsningsmode,” says Dennis Trabjerg and elaborates:

“We convene all of which can help us to solve the problem. At the boiling point, we have three man who pulls the cables, while a techniques makes sure to redirect the traffic. They get pulled new cables and routed the traffic over at the new links – and then running it all again,” says Dennis Trabjerg.

At 10.06 is an alternative solution in place and netbutikkerne running again. It can not be avoided, the cables will be dug over in the future. Nevertheless, explains Dennis Trabjerg, that is already set in motion a procedure, which ensures that if a cable is dug over, so it becomes not a problem for the customers.

“we Could have done it better? Yes, and we have therefore set in motion a procedure, so it is not repeated. In the future we add more roads into our network, so we can tolerate, that there is someone who digs a cable over. When we have it fully implemented, so a comprehensive breakdown, as it is here, not to that could happen again,” says Dennis Trabjerg.

Source: Powerhostings ad